never feeling fever heat

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Down the drink of fevering heat to dull the pain away
I can see the reflection in your eyes, may I claim it as mine?
You only gaze past in a dream of blood red
While he pressures you in and tightens the walls of sin
Who am I to decipher and accuse this of being unjust?
At least I'm not stuffing words in a fairy's mouth
I have some sense of self respect and know, one day soon, I'll be dead
Left shivering in the empty glass of gradually smaller
But, before then, may we sit and chat?
I'd like to get to know you
Entice me in my fever dreams and pull the pain to grief
As we ride in this vessel together but are worlds apart
The silence rings heavy between us over such a light matter
Cut the thread of the hanging torch, let this not go on any longer
Pull me close and stitch my spine, delicate and sympathetic
Drink drugged up wine, bitter to the point of sickeningly sweet
Don't let him tilt you away from me and burn this wondrous thing
I understand, it is his job to set the string on fire, burn the sky with color
In bursts of hectic sound that captures you oh-so well
Believe me for once, and know I could do so much better
I'd drown you in the lake level with the ground of the quiet forest
Then, can I dive in to study the hills and valleys underwater?
Bubbles of definitely-not-pastel pink float and rise around
Can I hypnotize you with my colorless mind of empty danger?
It's only always that you half drift away with the fire in the far-off sky
If you'll allow it, may we count the clouds and their supposed shape?
Every song's words suddenly blur to be your name in a spin-dizzy dance
As I sit in the autopilot passenger's side among the forest trees
What in this universe is the purpose of the hung ring of dreams?
In here, you are surely not supposed to sleep unless damned eternally
You are only comparable to Satan himself as he dwells in hell
But your energy is as ever warm as the mother sun
With sudden unexpected surprise to spill the red on the rug
In a flash of silence you lie colorlessly gorgeous on the ground

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