Truth Time

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Hailey POV

"Trey-(GCO) All of a sudden, Jacob dropped to his knees and fell face forward in a pool of blood. Screams filled the Mall halls as people ran for the exit. "Jacob!" I yelled running to his side. I turned him over and seen he was still bleeding. "It's going to be ok." I said digging through my purse for my phone. Once I found it, I dialed 911 Quickly. 

"911, What's you Emergency"

"M'aam, My Friend has been shot." 

"What's your location?"

"King crown's mall." 

"Help is on the way."

"Well Help is not fucking fast enough!" I yelled rudely

"M'aam Calm down." 

"Hell No, Tell AMR to bring their ass." 


I grunted and tried lifting Jacob's bloody Body.Damn, I'm Hella weak. All of a sudden, Trey ran in the mall. "Babe! I'm so Glad you're okay!" He said hugging me. "Jacob's dying!" I yelled. He looked at Jacob's Body and picked him up. "The ambulance is outside." Trey ran outside and handed the ambulance men Jacob. They told us we couldn't come along for some reason and they drove off.

"Babe, I'm scared." I said hugging him tightly.

"It's Ok Hailey." Jacob will pull through this." He kissed my hair.

Trey POV

Guess What Niggas? I'm the one who Shot Jacob. Yep. He's my cousin if y'all didn't pay attention to the sequel teaser in Don't hurt me. But Anyway, Hailey was visitng Jacob in his hospital room. Everyone was here. Symone, Ebony, Ray, Prod, My homie Rashon, and even Lexi. I'm surprised Derieon Didn't show up. Lord only knows what he's doing but anyway, back to the whole Jacob thing. Here's the reason I shot Jacob.

------- FlashBack -------

I sat downstairs, watching TV while Hailey slep upstairs. My phone began ringing.


"Trey you have to tell Hailey." This was Jacob.

"Nigga Never, our relationship is perfect. I'm not going to ruin it."

"Well Imma tell her."


I slammed my phone down next to me and put my hands on my face. I can't have Jacob tell Hailey. She'll leave me and take the kids with her then I'll be depressed, I'll be a shut in and end up dying an old man with 2 children who barely know me. I can't have that, only way out... Kill Jacob.

-------- DONE! ---------

Yep, I'm just trying to keep my relationship safe. Hailey came out of the room crying her heart out. I smirked and walked back there. "Wassup my Nigga?" I said closing his door. "Trey you are dead ass wrong." He said, barely audible. "You're just lucky I didn't aim for your heart otherwise you would be dead. I suggestt you keep your mouth shut oherwise your precious life goes Bye Bye." I said giving him a smile and waving on bye bye. 

"You're so evil. Just like my dad. No wonder why he made me bully Hailey, he loved you more than me," "Shut the hell up! Yeah, Your Dad did love Me more than you because I went to Jail at 16 for beating a girl." I yelled in his face. He started crying and shaking. "Haha, Just remember Jacob. There's a U in murder." I said before walking out of his room.


Hailey and I had just got back home and she was sitting in our room Sobbing for life. "Babe." I said sitting next to her. "I'm Sorry Trey, It's just. I'm so scared. That the killed might of been aiming for me but hit Jacob instead." She cried wrapping her hands around my stomach and putting her head on my side. "Babe, don't be scared Ok. I'm sure the killer wasn't going to come after you. Yeah, It may of hit Jacob but people in this world will shoot anyone and they don't even know them. Imma be here to protect you from that shit, I promise." I laid her down and kissed her. 

"I need to get in the shower." She said wiping her red eyes and tear stained cheeks. "Lemme come in there and make you feel Good." I said. "Trey, Imma take this one alone." She said walking to the closet. Suddenly, my whole vibe change. Like, Anger built up inside me and It's suddenly coming out. I pushed Hailey to the wall. "Bitch I said Imma get in the fucking shower with you!" I yelled, making sure to grab her hair. 

I slung her across the room then ran up to her and punched her in the face twice. She held her face tight and cried loudly. I gasped at what I just did. Why did ever become this evil. "Hailey I d-(GCO) She ran into the bathroom and locked the door. I heard her loud sobs echoing off  the wall. What did I just do? I hurt the one I vowed to protect, The one I had my kids with, The one I Love. "Hailey Please." I said sliding my back against the door.

911 it's a criticial emergency

I'll run run run and they will charge me with 143 yeah

I told you this world was yours

please open the door

I love you so much that it hurts yeah

My hands in the air as I gave you high five

I vowed to protect you and I stabbed you with a knife

Ask you if you're alright

You said No more lies." I sang, shedding tears. She still cried inside the bathroom. I better just let her have her time. I stood up wiping my little tears off my face. 


Dammit Trey!

Don't you know not to Hit a woman? Especially Hailey and over showering? Unfucking Believeable!

Lol, I know Y'all wasn't expecting this! I needed to Update since I got so many damn comments.

Oh, Y'all Need to go follow my Twitter Like A$AP Rocky! @XO_TrillBish.



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No more Lies (Sequel to Don't Hurt me)Where stories live. Discover now