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Hailey POV

It's officially been 2 months and Trey or should I say Chres, has dragged me through hell and back. He told me about his Criminal Record and when I tried to get a divorce, he injected me with something. After I woke up, The police were knocking on my door they told me that They were taking my kids because of my hospital record from high school.

When I went to court, I lost custody of my kids to my mom, no visitation accepted. So now I'm in an abusive relationship with the one person I trusted with my mind, body and soul. I'm literally bruised from top to bottom, I can't tell who or what I am when I look In the mirror.

I don't know what I did at all. I did everything I thought should be done. I bore 2 children, gave sexual pleasure, cooked, cleaned, all that wife stuff. And this is how I get re-paid. With abuse.

Trey (Chresanto) POV

I just finished throwing at least 200 dollars at this stripper. Yeah, I've dragged Hailey through hell so? She needs to understand that being married to me comes with rules and one of those are you can't leave me.

If you try and leave me after all the dangerous shit I did for you, you're damn right imma fuck your ass up. Anyway, this stripper named Layla sat on my lap and began grinding on my dick which was now hard and stiff.

"Ugh." I moaned lowly.

"Does your wife do this for you?" She whispered in my ear.

"Don't even talk about her ass man, she's just getting on my nerves." I said.

She bit her lip and began sucking on my neck.

Love POV

"Prod, I think I'm pregnant again." I told him.

He sighed and finished taking his belt off.

"Love, you know I'm not ready for a baby." He said

I looked down. If I get another abortion, It could affect my body.

"Please Craig, can we just please try this baby thing? Me and you? I've had 6 abortions, and another one would mess up my body drastically." I snapped.

He got up and walked out the bedroom.

"Where are you going!" I yelled.

He ignored me then walked out the house.

"FUCK YOU CRAIG!" I screamed, throwing a lamp at the wall.

No more Lies (Sequel to Don't Hurt me)Where stories live. Discover now