Part 8: History repeats...

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Jimin P.O.V

"Gee, thanks for always being by my side Jimin.", the blonde said looking straight into my soul. God, Yoongi is so intimidating but hot at the same time... well maybe not.., no he is hot.

"It was my fault Hyung, I called Jimin as a prank to get here as fast as he could cus Taehyung was unconscious.", J-hope pipes up trying to save me. OH MY HORSE THANK YOU HOBIE...

"Is that right Jimin?" Yoongi asks me angrily. I nod my head fast af.

'' Well that's a lot of bull crap, I had your phone Jimin." he says, no... yells.

"Yoongi calm down, we were going to go and look for you right now." Jin says trying to calm him.

" I... I am really sorry hyung, if..if there's anything I can do..." I face palm mentally, why do I stutter so much?

"Just follow me Jimin." he says sighing as if he gave up on everything. I nod my head and follow him into his bedroom.

"Hyung, I AM really sorry, genuinely, I didn't mean to--" I start, until Yoongi slams me into the wall. He put his arms on both sides of my head. He gets dangerously close to my face, and by dangerous I mean dangerous for my hormones. He brings his chest onto mine and leans to my right ear, "Leave me again and I'm going to punish you... understand".

I don't move, im too paralyzed and in shock to say a word or nod my head. I don't dare look into his eyes, knowing his eyes are going to look stormy and fierce, the eyes of a killer.

"Jimin" he says in his raspy voice making me shudder. "I said do you understand?"

I nod my head and shut my eyes wanting him to go away. "Good Boy." he smirks. I feel his weight off my chest and hear his door open then close, then open again...

"Oh ya, Jimin." I look up to see Yoongi poking his head through door, "tell anyone this happened and im going to have to teach you a lesson." I freeze at his words.

Dammit, what did I do to deserve this... again?

Your a disgrace Jimin, you cant even stand up for yourself . All you ever do is complain and nag. You  aren't even loved, your just pitied, your only in Bangtan because Manager-nim is too nice to kick you out. You don't even have a home to go to, everyone abandoned you, no one wants you, no one needs you. Your a nobody...

Your a waste of space, insignificant.

Yoongi P.O.V

I probably scared the boy so bad he's crying... but why is that bothering me so much. This is just part of my game, but why is it making me feel so guilty? Whatever, im just going to go to Jungkook's room and sleep. I open the door and see Hanuel and Jungkook playing an intense game of Mario Kart. They were both swearing so hard and looked ready to kill. I slowly walked out of the room and into Namjoon's. BAD IDEA. I see Jin and Namjoon, in well, another 'intense' game... a MUCH more intense game.

Im never going to un-see that, ever again.

I just go to the basement and fall asleep on the couch there. I imagine Jimin's face as I enter the world of dreams...


I walk into the recording studio ready to write lyrics. As I walk in I see Jimin sitting in my chair staring off. I clear my throat, and he turns around frightened.

"Oh..umm...hyung... I was just" he stutters.

"Get out of my room." I growl aiming to scare him. He didn't move and just looked at me.

"WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? GET THE HELL OUT." I yell get angrier and more nervous by the second.

'Did he see anything?' I thought.

"Hyung, I... well... I just feel so... alone and-'' he whimpers

"Does it look like I'm here to help your problems? I got problems of my own, so get the hell out." I say about to snap.

"Hyung please, I need you." he pleads, now tears running down.

I do it without thinking, I grab Jimin by his hair and throw him into the wall.

"Didn't I say get out?" I say picking the boy up by his shirt, then punching him so he fell out the door. I then slam the door in the beaten boys face.

...... and then I break down crying.



lmao, thank u anyone who is still reading i appreciate it ^.^

recommended song: OUTRO: House of Cards by BTS (vocal line)




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