Part 11: Your crazy hyung...

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Yoongi P.O.V ( Hopefully this will turn out good...)

I stare at the younger boy who's looking at the floor biting his lip, embarrassed at what he said. He looks up and catches me staring, I don't look away though. This makes him look down again. It is so silent I feel as if I can hear my blood running through my veins, and that's creepy as hell. I don't say anything, just to make him nervous. I get off the couch ( SUCH AN ACCOMPLISHMENT ) and walk toward Jimin. I stand in front of him so that his face is right under my stomach.

He looks up and screams, " Oh my God, that happened."

I smirk and lean down, "Jimin, what did you say, what did you want to do?". He looks at me so desperate for me to stop teasing him. But their was something else in his eyes... something that looked like pain, sadness and anger, all in all it looked like he was scared, and genuine. The guilt started to flood my chest, why was I doing this game?

Game, it was just a game. No harm...

I pushed the guilt out of my chest, it had no reason to be there. Jimin looks up at me, directly in my eyes, "Hyung", his eyes snap down again, "please stop it".

I roll my eyes, "you were the one who said-". He stops me by pulling me down so our lips were centimeters apart. I wasn't going to let him make the move on me. I raise my eyebrow at him, taking him by surprise. I hear the basement door being rattled, so I put my lips to his. As soon as I do it I remove them. I go for his ear, I bite it softly, "this is fun, lets do this again... Jimin".

With that I turn around and walk up the stairs with so much swag I know it could kill a person. I see XM at the top of the stairs. I walk up to her and grab her hand. I go to a room, not sure which one. I push her against a wall, and growl, " My phone, give it to me." I forget all my previous fear of her as I remember that she may know one of the biggest things in my life.

"I already saw it Yoongi, I know." she says not bothering to hide her annoyance of being in between me and a wall.

"You didn't see shit ok?"

"If you say so, but I mean, I think we are disrupting Jin and Namjoon." She says, pointing to the two boys staring at us bewildered...oh and half un-dressed. I blink a couple of times and head out grabbing my phone from her hand. I walk out running into Jimin who just seemed to have realized the door was open, for he was just coming up the stairs. I look at him and lick my lips, already knowing a new plan, for this I needed Jungkook and Hobie.

Hobie P.O.V.

I love playing with Taehyung's hair.

Its so fun, and enjoyable.

His hair is so soft and it smells good.

But, I don't like Yoongi.... well right now at least.

"No, its just too crazy." I say causing him to blink.

"CRAZY?! YOU ARE THE DEFINITION OF CRAZY!" he whisper yells since the wonderful Taehyung was sleeping right next to us.

"Ya but isn't this taking it a little far?" I say feeling guilty already, what else has Yoongi done to the poor jamless boy?

"It's just a game..." he says like its the most obvious thing in the world. I think, if Yoongi does this, it could really hurt him, and others. But, it does seem like he knows what he's doing and if he doesn't stop whispering yelling he's going to wake up TaeTae.

"Fine, go get the maknae, he's in the closet... we'll do the plan tomorrow. I really hope you know what your doing."

All Yoongi does is smirk... like a devil.


DUN DUN DUN!! You know I was reading Yoonmin fanfic and I realized that Yoongi is always the one to be the ''bad'' guy. Lmao, BAD BOY

Tell me how you feel, and what you thinks going to happen.



Love <3


Love <3 <3

recommended song: Fire by 2ne1  (legit what I've been listening the whole time writing this )

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