Part 13: Not my fault

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Yoongi P.O.V

I wait the whole day for Jimin to come back, but he doesn't. One hour passes, then two, then five and no one walks through the door. I get up and go to the maknae's room.

"Jungkook! Why is your door locked", I see XM yell at his door. I look at her and she looks pissed as hell. She turns to me, "Jungkook locked his door and Hanuel is in there, I WILL NOT ALLOW THAT!".

Well damn she's really protective over Hanuel. "Tell him to open the door.", she demands me. I just twist the knob left then right the push it in and it opens. She rushes inside with her fist clenched and I don't bother holding her back. She stops dead in her tracks and she seemed shocked. I walk in to see why she was so stunned, Jungkook and Hanuel were sleeping soundly in his bed while sharing a set of earphones. She turns around and pulls me with her.

"I'm going to go, watch them for me, if he even makes a move on her call me." she took off going to wherever she was going. I sigh and sit down pulling out my phone to text Jimin.

Where are you, you've got Jin-Hyung worried, he might beat you with a spatula when you get back

If you come back, I think.

I wait hours and hours. I don't move from my place and I don't talk to anyone. Jungkook and Hanuel still don't wake up. And then I hear it, the front door being opened roughly. I look at the time, 3:43 AM

What has he been doing?

"JIMIN I SWEAR IM GOING TO KILL- OH MY GOD WHO'S THAT?" I run to see Hobie yelling at him and I see a guy, a guy leaning on Jimin; too close to him for my comfort.

"Oooh him, he-hess m bwest-t fwiendd" he said slurring his words looking ready to black out right then and there.

I sigh and turn around, but then someone grabs my arm and punches my face. I cup my eye and see XM looking down right like Satan.

"I went to every club near here to look for your little game, I had to drag him and his friend out then I had to deal with their drunk asses a whole car ride. ON TOP OF THAT I HAD TO DEAL WITH THEM EATING EACH OTHER IN THE BACK OF MY CAR. You know why. . .  because you need to realize what your doing to him." She says saying the last part quietly as if remembering something or someone.

She looks at me, "Go take Jimin to your room, I'll take care of the other one." 

I sigh for the millionth time today an bring Jimin to my room. He falls limp in my arms and is ten times heavier. So Jimin went off to a club and hooked up with someone. Why is that my fault?

"Hyung, why do you play me?" the boy says about to cry.

"I don't play you Jimin. Be quiet and sleep." I say stripping his shirt so he wouldn't be so hot.

"Yes you do, you think I'm a game, I don't like it." He says releasing his true feelings.

"Your not a game Jimin, but, you are fun."

"Im a human you shouldn't be so mean."

"I'm not mean, besides I know you like it." I say smirking, remembering all the times I made him blush and I made him feel uncomfortable because of how close our face were.

"I know you want me Jimin."

I say leaving the boy and going to Hobie's room.

"Hey, why are you in my room, is Jimin asleep?" He asks. I just ignore him and close the door.

I walk over to him and I bring his lips to mine... 


That was a short update but I promise the next one will be better!!







recommended song: 1004 (angel) by B.A.P.

this song is so emotional like wtf

pineapples ^.^

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