Part 3: A New Game

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IKIK I Have not updated in like twenty years but that's cus I had zero motivation, but anyway... im done procrastinating, here's another update!!!1!


Yoongi P.O.V

"I can't believe it, Jimin has never been this pissed off." Namjoon yells in confusion.

" That's not true!" pipes up Taehyung, only earning glares from everyone.

Namjoon turnes back toward me, "You, what did you do?".

"Way to be disrespectful, at least show your hyung some respect." I retort, feeling angry and confused myself. Namjoon just looks at me, waiting.

"Well.... IT WAS HOBIES IDEA!" I yell, looking at the horses face marked with betrayal.

"It was not my fault-" The horse tries to say, however, the god of destruction interrupted.

"Just apologize Yoongi.", Im not going to say sorry for shit.

"But, it's not even my fault! Make Hobie say sorry."

Namjoon sighs, "just make sure Jimin is back to being the jamless kid he is."

"Whatever, just get off my back about it." I say going to look for Jin-hyung.



" Ah, Jin-hyung, where did you send the jamless kid to?" I say to the stressed out mother.

"Practicing in the dance room with Jungkook, but I don't think he wants to -"

"- Okay Got ya", I say dismissing myself.

"Yoongi, you know you should really-"

"-apologize? Ya I know, your husband already told me."

"My husband?" He says, raising a eyebrow at me.

"All in good time..." I whisper to avoid being beaten with a broom by the pink princess.




Aish, the studio is so far away. The things I do for this boy. I think to myself looking down at my poor feet. I finally reach the studio and hastily greet everyone while making my way to the dance room. As I walk I faintly hear Bang Bang Bang playing, of course he would listen to this when he is angry, I smile at the thought though. I walk into the room ready to quickly apologize.

Jungkook, the fetus, and Jimin, the jamless kid, are entangled with each other and their heads are so close.... and they are covered in frosting... I hope.


Both the fetus and jamless kid look at me shocked and scared af.

"Okay, I promise you this is not what it looks like." the fetus trembles under my gaze.

Hehehe they think I'm mad, this is going to be fun.

I look at Jimin, trying to pull off the most betrayed face in the world. I don't have anything to feel betrayed for, it's not like we are a thing but, he did tell me repeatedly that he doesn't like Kookie despite the rumors. Jimin's eyes dart everywhere as he clears his throat also getting up.

" What do you want hyung?" he asked hoarsely. I smirk in the inside, and frown on the outside.

"I actually came to apologize, but I'll leave you were obviously occupied with someone else." I say, making my voice crack a little and my eyes water a bit. Jungkook and Jimin exchange bewildered looks and I try my hardest not to laugh, however, my face starts heating up and more tears start swelling up because of my contained laughter.

Perfect, this is making it more believable.

"Uh... hyung are you ok... you look umm like your umm..." Jimin tries to get out to me.

"Im fine.. just go back to whatever, oh and I'm.. sorry.. for making you mad too.." I stutter trying to look as sad as possible before running out to look dramatic af.

As soon as I get out im in hysterics, I'm crying, laughing, and I can't breathe. The look on Jimin's and Jungkook's face was too much, they looked so confused and shocked I think their eyes would have popped if I stayed any longer. ( gif of their reaction is above lol )

"That was fun, maybe this could entertain me for longer, I'll make it my own game." I say to myself already thinking of something to fill my boring days.




This is going to be one hell of a game


^^^ the above part was exactly 669 words.... lyfe

ANYWAY..... THAT WAS PART 3!1!!! Yoongi is going to play a game, now I know what your thinking, what is Yoongi on? TBH IDK... ok this is going nowhere 😳😳

Recommended song: Gotta talk to you by SeungRi ( member of Big Bang ) 

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