Part 18: I just Wanna

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Jungkook P.O.V.

"I SWEAR IF THERE IS ANOTHER DOG IM GOING TO SLAP A HOE!" The girl by my side says. I smiled at her, she was really a perfect person. Hanuel, the girl I liked, looks so ready to kill a person as she saw another dog coming our way.

"Hanie, this is a park, there are supposed to be dogs and animals everywhere.'' I say sarcastically causing her to flick me.

"What do you thinks going on at home?'' she asks a little low. I shrug but I think about it too. What could be going on? If anything its some drama going on between Yoongi and Jimin, probably Hobie and Taehyung too.

"I don't know but let's enjoy our time, I'll go get ice cream, how about you stay here.'' I say already walking off.

"WAIT No I'll go, with you.'' she says hurriedly causing me to look back. Her face was so frightened and worried.
" But the place is pretty far away, and you said that your feet hurt a little. '' I say not understanding why she didn't want to stay by herself.

"I am not going to stay here.'' she states making up her mind. I nod my head, if I made her stay we would get into a fight and I don't want that.

" You can come, but, I'm going to have to carry you, since your feet hurt. " that was smooth.

And everybody thinks that I can't converse with girls. Pffffft.

She shakes her head refusing. "Either you stay or I carry you.'' I say hoping she'll just come so I can carry her.

"Fine but if you drop me I'll tell Hanuel and she'll tell Jin and then they'll both beat you with a spatula soo are you sure you want to do that?''

" Getting beat by a spatula by your scary friend and my mom is worth it if I have you in my arms.'' I say out loud even though I didn't mean to and, it caused her to blush.

"Whatever Kookie, let's just go.'' she says hoping onto my back. I smile as she puts her arms around my neck and her face nuzzles into my neck.

" Cute '' I make her blush again. I walk, never getting tired, and finally we reach the ice cream parlor. I set her down and see she was half asleep, so I pick her up again and put her on my back and walk in the store like that.

"Hello, umm can I please get a medium raspberry and a medium cookies and cream ice cream cup?'' I politely ask the lady whom was glaring at me and looking at Hanuel in disgust. RUDE.

She gives me the order without saying a word. I give her the money and leave. I don't want to wake her but I don't want the ice cream to melt.

"Hanie, your going to have to wake up.'' I slightly shake her and her eyes flutter open.

That song by Amber and Eric Nam started playing in my head, I Just Wanna.

I just wanna love you

 Give me that chance wanna hold you

 Baby you know that

 I need you I need you

And I'm wondering all the time

If you love me come on over get to know me

Baby 'cause I know you need me you need me

And I want you in my life yeah yeah

I look at Hanuel watching her lick the ice cream off her lips. We eat in silence watching the sun go down.

"Lets head home now, its getting kinda late." I get up yawning and stretching my arms.

" I think I should hed home now, XM unnie probably wants me home since I haven't been in a long time." she says.

" You can just text her, c'mon I'm pretty sure XM is fine.'' I say trying to persuade her.

She looks down and says hesitantly, '' I really shouldn't but I don't like our house and you keep saying its fine, so umm I guess I can stay another night.''

I smile, but then it falters, what if I'm ruining Hanuel and XM's relationship. I always have Hanuel over but never XM. I suddenly feel bad.

"Hey, if you want XM to, come over too that's cool, we will have a big sleepover in my room.'' I say even though I wanted to cuddle with Hanuel alone, and I really couldn't with XM there.

"I'll ask her.'' she gets her phone out and dials her number.

"Hey unnie, look I'm really sorry, wait what's going on, why is it so loud and why's there yelling?''

She puts the phone on speaker.

" Is Kookie with you?'' she says loudly so we could hear her.

"I'm right here.'' I say to the phone. "Why is everyone yelling?''

We hear shuffling from the other side, '' its legit hell over here right now, Kookie I suggest you come home right now, the boys are going batshit crazy and I can't control them, its only a matter of time before they start a physical fight."

"DAMMIT, TAEHYUNG GET THE HELL OFF OF YOONGI RIGHT NOW'' she screams and the line goes dead.

Hanuel and I look at each other and start running as fast as possible. We reach the house in five minutes and we don't knock, the door is already opened and the yelling was so loud you could hear it a mile away. I go in slowly, then see what she was talking about.

Yoongi was being punched by Jimin as Taehyung and Hobie were holding his arms. Namjoon and Jin were yelling at each other looking ready to start throwing punches. XM was trying to pull Jimin away but couldn't get him off.

I was horrified, my hyungs, they are fighting each other, ''Hyungs, what are you doing?'' I say trying to blink my tears away but I couldn't, my tears started flowing.

Jin was the first to notice me, ''shit''. He swore and everybody then noticed me. Everyone slowly came to their senses. Then Yoongi spoke...

"I'm leaving Seoul.''






"and Bangtan."


I think this is going to just be the end

jk jk but the end is soo close probably another 3 or 4 chapters maybe more maybe less idk

but ya I had to make that happen hehe







RECOMMENDED SONG: Heavens Door by Eric Nam

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