Chapter 1

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~ Shadow's POV~

I walked into my room after a horrible dinner with my parents. I sighed, and walked over to my dresser. I could feel the tear buildup of self-pity behind my eyes. I blinked. A tear slipped out of my left eye, creating a path for all the others to follow, which they did. I blinked again, and the same happened to my right eye. For some reason, I knew how to cry silently. I don't know why. Maybe because I cried so often. I changed into my pajamas, tossing my clothes into my closet, and laid down on my bed. I wiped the tears from my face, and opened up my laptop. After I typed in my password, I clicked onto YouTube. I saw a new video from my favorite YouTuber, PewDiePie. I smiled, although it turned out more like a grimace by accident. I watched Pewdie's video, which left me smiling and laughing happily. I decided to post a comment on the video telling him how happy his videos made me. This is how the actual comment came out:

Hey Pewdie, I just wanted to thank you for all you do for me and all the bros. I was having a horrible day, and I was crying all alone in my room. Since I'm so awkward, I didn't have any friends to turn to, so I watched your video. In a matter of minutes, I went from crying alone to laughing and happy. So... Thank you so much for making my day worth living. :)

I posted the comment and laid back on my pillow to watch the other videos in my feed. I'd just finished a Smosh video when I got a little notification saying someone replied to my comment. I clicked the box, and it sent me back to Pewdie's video. I scrolled down to my comment, which to my surprise, didn't take long because it had gotten 713 likes. My eyebrows raised and my mouth gaped. Wow, I thought. I looked at the comment.

From: PewDiePie

Wow. I don't even know what to say bro. That's so amazing that my stupid videos can make someone this happy. I hope that whatever was making you upset goes away. I don't really know how else to reply to this. Thank you so much. :D

I gaped even more. PewDiePie himself replied to my comment. I processed this in my head, and then grinned like a maniac. I've been a PewDiePie fan for years and I've never actually gotten a reply from him. As I was sitting there smiling like an idiot, I got a message. My face went from happiness to confusion. I didn't ever post videos, I only watched them... so I didn't really talk to people on YouTube. I clicked to my messages.

New message from user: PewDiePie, it said. I froze. What. With shaking hands I moved the mouse over to his name. I clicked.


Uhh... Hey bro. I just wanted to thank you again for leaving that comment on my videos. That's the whole reason I make these YouTube videos, to make people laugh. So when I see that someone really does enjoy them this much, it just dumbfounds me. I also know what you mean by being awkward. I had a hard time making friends as well. So.. if you want to tell me what made you cry I'm up for it. If you don't because I'm creepy, that's fine too. :)

I was still pretty frozen, but soon I snapped out of it, I started to type back.


Well...I do kind of want to tell you. But I don't know if I should. I mean, you're an innocent guy and I don't want to bore you with my sob story. It means an unbelievable amount just that you care enough to ask. :)


If that's the reason, I really don't mind. Actually, now that you won't tell me, I'm curious and you have to tell me. ;)

Shoot. You're right. Now I have to tell you. :P


Just give me a while to type. It's kind of a long story.


I'm all ears with no time limit.

I took a deep breath.

Shadow   (PewDiePie)Where stories live. Discover now