Chapter 8

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I laid in my bed and watched some more videos. Every once in a while, I would look at the clock. I kept getting more and more hungry. I was already scrawny enough. I needed to gain a few pounds if anything. I was actually happy that I saw that. It meant that I didn't have an eating disorder or anything, since I knew how skinny I was. Oh well. It was 11:00. I decided to go eat at 11:30. I put on my mask, which had been off for the past few hours. I watched one more video, and it was 11:23. Close enough, I thought. I silently opened the lock on my door. I grabbed the knob and slowly turned it. I pushed the door as quietly as I could, and took one step out. Then another. I took a big step to go over the creaky floorboard. I continued like this through the hallway and down the stairs. One of the stairs creaked and I squeezed eyes shut, praying that my parents didn't wake up. After a second I continued down the stairs. Eventually I reached the bottom. As I was walking through the hallway, I spotted myself in the mirror. I'd forgotten to change out of my clothes. I shrugged and continued into the kitchen. I opened the cupboard quietly and got a glass, a plate, and a fork. I set it silently on the counter. I stood in front of the open fridge wondering what I should eat. I eventually decided on a ham and cheese sandwich. I created one and set it on the plate. I grabbed an apple and some orange juice. I poured my glass and put the juice back in the fridge. I ate quietly. After I finished my sandwich and my apple, I dug out the ice cream. I scooped myself some and put it in a bowl. I sprinkled some chocolate syrup on it and set it on the counter with a spoon stuck in it. I ate the ice cream, savoring the flavor. When I was done, I washed all my dishes with the faucet running as low as it could go with water still dribbling out. I cleaned up every trace that I was there. I couldn't see very well, since I didn't turn on the lights. I eventually managed to clean my mess up, so there was no evidence that I'd come down to eat. I started sneaking down through the hallway. As I passed the door, I heard a knock. It was so soft that I didn't even know if I'd imagined it. But then I heard it again.

Knock, Knock.

I slowly crept over to the door. I slowly pulled it open.

“Hey, Shadow.” My jaw dropped behind my mask. I thanked God I was wearing it. Standing in my door was PewDiePie himself. I was still. His expression went from tired and happy to confused and worried. I stood for a second longer, but then I wrapped my arms around him. I didn't do it consciously. I guess it was just instinct. Pewdie flinched a little at first, but then he hugged me back. I pulled away from him after a quick embrace and then said,

“So this is why you wanted my address, huh?”

He smiled.

“I needed to get you out of here. Go get your clothes.” My smile faltered.

“W-what? Really?” I stammered. His smile dropped as well.

“You- you don't want to go?” I stayed still for a second. My brain was processing what was happening.

“Of course I want to go! Thank you so much Pewdie...” I said, pulling him in for another hug. After I pulled away, I noticed a blush creeping up on his cheeks.

“You're blushing, Pewdie.” I smirked, poking his cheek. His blush faded to be replaced with a grin.

“Come on. Let's get your clothes, Shadow.” He said. I stepped aside to let him in.

“My room is upstairs, but be really quiet. I can't wake up my parents...” I said. He nodded in understanding. I led him up the stairs quietly. As we passed my parents room, I held a finger to my hidden lips. We crept down the hall and eventually got to my room. I turned the knob and pulled the door open. I stepped inside, followed by Pewdie. I went over to my closet and grabbed my duffel bag. I opened it and grabbed all my favorite clothes, my toothbrush, hairbrush, and deodorant from the bathroom. I went over to my desk and grabbed all my electronics. Pewdie just stood awkwardly and watched me pack up my home. After I'd packed that, the duffel was almost full. I stood looking at it and thinking of what else to bring. Then, I snapped my fingers in realization. I'd forgotten my collection of fangirl stuff! I had to bring that. I walked over to my bed and flattened myself down on my stomach to reach underneath it. I pulled out my box and opened it. I reached my hand into my box. I pulled out item after item. It had taken me years to build up this collection. I took out a Sup Doll, several t-shirts with a lot of YouTuber's logos and such. I packed them all away in my bag, and then I went to grab the last two things in my box. One was a homemade collage of my favorite PewDiePie pictures and characters, including the bro, Piggeh, Jennifer, Mr. Chair, Stephano, and even the boat he had during his all-swedish playthrough, Sven. The last thing in my box was a custom made Stephano. This was the first thing I'd put in this box. My old friend Jess knew someone that worked at a metal factory and knew how to make metal stuff. I asked him for a Stephano, and he got it for me. He made it with gold paint that never came off, no matter how much you soaked it or scrubbed it. It would have been expensive, but Jess would have killed him if he charged me for it, and plus he was just a nice guy. I held it up to my chest and smiled sadly. I missed them. I turned around with Stephano still in my hand and picked up my duffel bag. I struggled with lifting it, but Pewdie stepped in and took it for me.

Shadow   (PewDiePie)Where stories live. Discover now