six: the big things that sail the ocean
amber: are you alive
matty: yes
matty: i guess
amber: i loved the episode
matty: i take that as a compliment?
amber: again with the question marks?
matty: yes
amber: how are y'all so attractive
amber: oh my malec
matty: what is malec?
amber: oh my malec
matty: what
amber: you don't know what malec is?
matty: no, not really
amber: do you know what is a ship?
matty: the big things that sail the ocean?
amber: oh jesus christ
amber: i have to teach you everything
amber: so much work
matty: amber
matty: what on earth are you talking about right now
amber: have you ever had an OTP?
matty: what the hell is an OTP?
amber: only true pairing?
matty: i do pair stuff
matty: like my socks
amber: what am i supposed to do
amber: an OTP is when you want two people to be together more than anything and after a while it becomes the purpose of your life
matty: yes
matty: of course
matty: right
amber: i SHIP malec. malec is my OTP
matty: but what does that malec thing mean?
amber: every OTP has a shipname
amber: it's their names combined for the love of god
matty: you are scaring me
matty: hold on i'll ask emeraude
amber: matty nO
matty: what are you dragging me into
amber: fandoms
matty: hell no
amber: heaven yes
matty: hell no
amber: purgatory maybe?
matty: oh my god
amber: oh my malec*
matty: someone help me
amber: i thought my fandom lessons were fun
amber: but okay
matty: you are quite fun, amber
matty: but your lessons are kind of creepy
amber: okay then
amber: i'll skip the part i was about to teach you
matty: dominic is laughing his ass off
matty: and alberto just joined him
amber: oh, matty, you poor little boy
amber: you are under attack