Day 2: How did you start listening to MCR?

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Actually it was summer of 2008 when my dad bought a Black Parade CD and whenever we were in the car he would play it, and the fact that my mom had Revenge on her computer and they would play on the radio.

But I started getting into them actually about a year ago.  I was in the car with my mom and she said "you would like my chemical romance" and I was like HMMMM I THINK IVE HEARD THAT BEFORE HMMMMM

So the next day in the car (why do these all happen in the car) with my dad he goes "I bet you would like some my chemical romance" and he played WTTBP which I cried when I heard it and he showed me the video for Famous Last Words

FUNNY STORY: when my dad showed me Famous Last Words, the whole time I would look up at my dad and go "is he okay????"

But yeah.  That night I bought WTTBP on my phone and listened to it 24/7.  

Then I decided to look them up on YouTube and it escalated from there

I have no idea how I became as obsessed as I am in just a year, but I did.

Well, there u go


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