Chapter 8

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     It's around lunch, I'm going to the prison quarters again. God, how can I be so stupid? I thought I'd bring them extra food, I took a generous amount I hope no one will mind. I walk in, it's not as dark as before.
     "Hello...?" There is no answer. "I thought you might be hungry, I brought food." This time there is a reply.
     "Set it down and leave." This voice is unfamiliar, but I guess I don't talk to stormtroopers too often. Rolling my eyes I place food in each cell. That is, until I reach Kylo's. The door is open, he is nowhere to be seen. I panic and look around but it's hard to see anything.
"Hello scavenger," he wraps his arms around me, it actually feels nice but I would never tell him that. "I see you've brought me food today."
"Get off me this instant!"
"As you wish." He let go, great, now I was cold again, Rey you idiot. I need to quit talking to myself. I gave him the food.
"You seem better now, have you been taking my advice?"
"I thought it was an order."
"It was both, so how did you get out of your cell?" I'm curious, I don't know why I didn't force him back in.
"That's not important, I'll go back in later. Just needed to stretch my legs."
"You can stretch your legs back in your cell."
"Yes, but you're not in there with me." I blushed, I couldn't help it. Who in the galaxy wouldn't?
"You little flirt! You need to get back in there now, and don't come back out!" I might've been a little hard on him, but not really.
"Okay miss scavenger, whatever you say." He went and locked himself back in. I could just make out the sly grin on his face. It's rather odd, I don't remember him being like this, he'd usually be throwing a tantrum. I guess the war changed him too. I went and left, I tried to glance back casually but he was watching me the whole time. My face went even redder than before, how embarrassing. I rushed the rest of the way back and locked the door without another word.

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