The boy that doesn't smile

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[3 years later]

I put my hood up and walked into the school building. I walked to my locker ignoring the whispers about me.

Everyone had heard about Amera's death but they were told that she disappeared and was never found only I know what had happened, along with other demons. And I wish I hadn't.

I opened my locker and put my books in. "Look its the boy that doesn't smile" I turned around to see a boy with brown hair and blue eyes, David, and his group of friends laughing.

"And that's insulting how? I'd rather not smile than look like I got ran over" I said plainly. Since Amera died I haven't smiled I haven't felt happy or any emotion besides pain.

I don't laugh I don't smirk, or smile. All I do is make a straight face or frown. David grit his teeth. "Its a shame that the hot one died instead of you," he sneared.

All of his friends eyes widened even for him that was to much. "David...don't you think," "shut up" David said cutting his friend off. His friend just walked away.

"So.....tell me Jude how did it feel to loose a smoking hot sister like Amera hmm?" I grit my teeth pushing him to the side and walked past him.

"Hey I'm talking to you!" He said putting his hand on my collar. I turned around and before I knew it David was on the floor holding his nose that was pouring out blood.

I bent down and he looked at me. "Tell me mate.... how does it feel to have your nose broken? So long" I said standing up and walking to class.

I use to be that happy go lucky kid, the goof ball, the class clown. But now I was that quiet emo kid who sits in the back and works alone.

I sat in the back of the class and pulled out my notebook and started to draw. 10 minutes into the drawing I ripped the page out noticing I was drawing Kyler......I mean Sade.

I haven't seen his army at all. Michael told me they're planning something but he's not sure what. He had Hail [Hail as in big clumps of ice] go in the woods along with Hades [Hay- ds] to keep a look out, just in case, and he had red stay in the house to keep everything in order.

Red is my little brother, but we look nothing alike. Reds actual name is Remidy. He's kind of shutoff ish. He has green and blue hair with purple eyes. That reminds me.. Red didn't come to school today.

The rest of the day went by in a blur and before I knew it, I was outside waiting for Hail. I watched as a black truck pulled up. I opened the door to see a blue and white haired boy smiling at me.

His eyes were a bright blue and white. He smiled. "Hey little kid! You want some candy," he asked, holding up a sucker. I looked at him. "Um...I'm good, I'm older than you, and did you get that sucker just to ask me that?" I got in the car and buckled up.

"Yes, yes I did, and if you're older then how come I drive you places?" he asked smirking. "I don't like driving," I said calmly. "You're 17, you gotta learn," He said driving.

"Where's Hades? Did he not come this time?" I asked. "Check the back seat," Hail said. I looked back to see nothing there. "Hail...Hades isn't back here," I said looking at him.

He stepped on the brakes making me sling forward but my seat belt stopped me. I looked at him. "You didn't," I said angrily. He grit his teeth. "Shit!" He turned the car around and headed towards his school.

Once we got to the school we saw a boy about 16 years old with black and red hair with fire in his bright blue eyes sitting on the school steps with people around him laughing. Hail parked the car and I got out. Hades' eyes lit up as he saw me.

"Hey fuck off!" I hissed taking Hades by the hand and pulling him p. "And who the fuck are you?" some blonde guy asked. "I'm your worst fucking nightmare, come on Hades," I said walking away.

I stopped when hearing Hades squeal. I looked behind me to see Hades on the ground looking at the guy who pushed him. The guy started laughing as did all of his friends.

Fire grew in my chest. I walked over to the guy punching him making him fall. I helped Hades up and pulled him to the truck. He slowly got in and sat in the back seat, frowning.

Hail started driving as I got situated. I nudged Hail in the side. He looked at Hades in the rearview mirror. "Um...hey Hades....I'm sorry about that...I thought you had got in the car," Hail said frowning.

Hades shook his head. "No its fine, I should've stayed in the car, instead of going back to get my book," We got a little farther from the school before Hail opened a portal and drove through.

We popped up on another road and still drove. I looked at Hail then at Hades. Hail and Hades were brothers but they had different personalities, different hair but if you look close enough you can tell they're brothers. Hail is the oldest of them.

He's 17 and Hail is 16. I looked up as we slowly pulled up to the house, well by house I mean 8 story black house. I got out and walked to  front door trying to open it but it was locked.

I growled and opened a portal, and stepped through popping up on the other side of the door. I unlocked the door and Hail and Hades walked in.

"Michael! Milo! Angel! Red! Who the fuck keeps locking the door!?" I shouted. I glared at Milo as the purple haired boy fell through the ceiling from a portal and landed on the floor tiredly.

"Mi! Get your ass up!" I said nugging him with my foot. "Uh?" he looked at me, his pink eyes tired. "Have you been asleep all day? Why didn't you go to school?" I asked angrily.

"I'm waiting on results to know if I'm  father of a child and yes I have been asleep all day. Being a parent is stressful," he said grinning. I just looked at him.

"Try making up a story that doesn't involve a girl," I said helping him up. He grunted and yawned. "I don't like school! I get made fun of and the teachers are dicks and think you're cheating if you get a question right or if you correct them on messing up!" He said stretching.

He had nothing on but socks and boxers. "Milo, it's 3 in the afternoon get some clothes on and where is Michael, Red, and Angel?" I asked. "Um Angel? He....I'm pretty sure is right there on that couch Remidy is in his room and Michael I'm not sure," Milo said walking over to the couch.

He smiled and sat down. "Is that couch...talking?" I asked. "Milo get wait..." Milo squealed as a hand pulled him down.

I looked at the couch seeing a black and blonde haired boy smiling, his blue eyes half closed, while cuddling up with Milo. "Angel? Damn is everyone sleeping today, you both are going to school Monday," I said looking around.

"Michael!!" I screamed. "He's in the basement," Angel yawned. I raised an eyebrow and opened a portal. I walked through popping up in the basement. "Michael?" I asked.

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