My Escapey

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[Michaels POV](backtrack 1 hour)
I put on my camo pants, black shirt and my black army boots along with my dog tags. I spiked my red hair up.

I walked out of my room to see Angel sneaking into Milos. I crossed my arms and cleared my throat. He turned around and slowly gave me $100.

"Hmm must've been a ghost," I walked down stairs. "I'm going to patrol the woods!" I yelled leaving.

I locked the door then ran for the woods. I walked around the woods for about 30 minutes and no sign of anything until I heard a twig snap under the pressure of a foot that wasn't mine. I jumped up in a tree and waited in the shadows.

No sudden movement. I froze feeling a knife in my side. I went to turn around but the pressure got harder. I turned around and the person stabbed me in the side then pushed me out of the tree.

Time froze....and everything rewound and I heard the twig snap again. I jumped in the tree and waited two seconds before I focused in on what was about to happen.

My eyes widened and I quickly turned around tackling a person out of the tree. We landed on the ground and I pinned the girls arms down....boy...this wasn't a girl. I looked at the boy.

His lip was bleeding and his blonde and blue hair was in his face. He kneed me in the area then quickly flipped us over and pinned me to the ground. He shook his head getting his hair our of his face so he could see me and I could see his beautiful ocean blue eyes.

I blinked coming out of my daydream. He seemed to also come out of his as he blinked a couple of times then tightened his grip. "Who are you?" I asked mesmerized by his looks. "That's confidential," he spoke.

I kneed him in the gut then tackled him and put my danger to his throat. "Not anymore," I said evilly. He smirked. "You got names Christen... yours?" he asked.

"I'm not authorized to give out that information," I said making a straight face. "Is it Michael?" he asked. I cocked an eyebrow at him. "And how did you get that?" I asked.

"You were thinking it," he said smiling. I shut my mind so he couldn't read it. "How do you know that's not my boyfriends name? I think about him every time I leave the house," I said plainly.

I could hear him swallow. He stayed quiet. "Well're coming with me," I said smiling.

His eyes widened as I put an enchanted chain around his wrists. "The hell I am! I'm not going anywhere with you! Let me go!" he screamed. I tapped the chain and he shut up knowing he wasn't going anywhere.

I opened a portal and we stepped in popping up in the basement of the house. I opened the cell and tied a chain to his heel then to a hook on the wall that I knew wouldn't break. I tapped the chain on his wrists and it disappeared.

I stepped out of the cell and closed it. I pulled up a chair and sat down. "So where were you coming from?" I asked. "Your mans house," he said smirking. "Hey not nice," I hissed.

"Fine, your brothers house..." I smiled. "I don't have a brother," we stayed quiet for a good 10 minutes before I heard someone scream my name.

"Over here!" I said looking back at Christen. His eyes widened "Bastard I got your name right!" he said leaning against the wall.  I looked over to see Jude.

"To be honest I didn't know we had a basement and what are you doing?" a boy with white and pink hair asked looking around. I looked at Christen to see him lift his head a little as if listening to us.

"Jude?" Jude looked towards the cell and raised an eyebrow. "Um yes? Do I know you?" He asked. Christen walked towards the cell door then slowly pulled his hood down smiling.

"Christen!" Jude said still not smiling but he was clearly happy. I raised an eyebrow. "Fill me in...someone," I said. "Christen is my cousin," Jude said unlocking the cell door.

Jude tapped the chain and it disappeared. Christen hugged Jude and he hugged back. Jude pulled away. "What happened?" Jude asked looking at Christens bleeding lip.

"Ask Mr. Not Authorized over there," Christen said glaring at me. "You beat up my cousin!" Jude said worriedly. "He killed me! And really fast too!" I said standing up.

"What no I didn't! You're still here aren't you!" Christen complained. "He has visions it's complicated, and I told you to slow down before you kill people," Jude said frowning.

"Uh sorry that I took you prisoner," I said frowning. We slowly went up stairs. He just shrugged. "Its happened before," he's said wiping the blood from his lip. I cocked an eyebrow at him.

Angle's POV. (1 hour before Jude gets home)
I slowly sat up sleepily and smiled. There's 1 more hour before they get home. I wiped the sleepiness out of my eyes and got up.

I creeped out of my room and down the hall. I stopped at Milos door and froze as I heard a door opened. I slowly turned around when I heared someone clear their throat.

I froze seeing Michael standing there with his arms crossed smiling. "," I took my wallet out of my pocket and handed him $100. He gladly took it. "Hmm must of been a ghost," he said leaving.

I sighed and slowly crept into Milos room and looked on the the bed to see no one there. I looked towards the bathroom to hear the shower.

My eyes widened as it cut off. I slowly hid behind the bathroom door and waited a couple of seconds until the door opened in my face and outstepped a boy in only a towel with water dripping off of him.

I couldn't help but examine Milos body. I bit my lip. He was a little shorter than me but not by much, he was skinny and overall sexy. I tiptoed up behind him and wrapped My arms around his waist.

He didn't even jump. "Try not to eye rape my body next time you wanna scare me," he said smirking. I smiled. "I'm sorry you're just to sexy for me not to," I turned him around where he was facing me.

I smiled and grabbed his towel that was around his waist. He smiled and put his forehead against mine. "Did anyone see you this time?" he asked. I smiled.

"Only Michael but he sees me everyday, I'm running out of money to give him....but the rest are gone," I said as I bit my lip. I slowly undid his towel and dropped it to the floor. His cheeks turned red as I looked down and smirked at him. I smiled slowly pushing him onto the bed.

Christens POV up to present
We sat in the kitchen in silence. I have to admit I wasn't here for Jude, I was on my way to Trents. He said be needed me to spy on the Cruel Army.

Gay name I know right but that's what everyone calls them. Trents Army...the Calvery is well one of the good army's. "Um Christen......why are you here anyway?" Jude asked.

I bit my lip. "I um well Trent said he needed a spy to spy on the Cruel Army..." I said yawning. I've been up for 7 days and I'll admit I am so fucking tired. Judes eyes widened.

"Do you mean to tell me that back?" he said shocked. "What you mean he's been back for 18 months," I said plainly. "He's been back for a year and a half why didn't anyone tell me?!" he asked.

"Well he's just been occupied with well he's trying to figure out who brought him back," I said sitting on the counter. "How did he get back?" Jude said getting out a bottle of something red...blood I suppose.

He threw me and Michael a bottle. I took a sip. "He just woke up in the woods close to his army base.....he doesn't know who brought him there all he remembers is waking up in the woods," I said frowning.

Jude frowned. "That's weird," he said taking a drink of his drink. I cleared my throat changing the subject. "So um is Angel here?" I asked. "Uh yeah he's in there on the couch," Jude said pointing to the living room. I nodded and walked into the living room. I plopped down on the couch and smiled as Michael groaned.

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