The Hunter

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This is a complete work of fiction and if it resembles anyone you know then its pure coincidence. (Has boyxboy content) 

First book in hopefully a series

So comment read tell me how you like it.

Sorry if the beginning is slow

Nicho p.o.v
I wake up at 0700 slowly get out of my rack slowly feeling around in the darkness for my footlocker. The sound of sleeping Marines fill my ear. The rows of bunks stretched out in front of me the low light filtering dimly from the bathroom. I look in the mirror my short cropped jet black hair sticking up and jaw line showing a little stubble
from a lack of shaving. I felt at home in this place for once in my life. All of a sudden my eyes went from the color blue to gold my teeth sharpened to canines. I felt it the beast boiling under my skin threatening to burst from my body. I clenched my hands into tight fist gritting my teeth I watched as dark gray black fur spread across my skin.
"No not now" I growled feeling my face elongate into a muzzle and my hands turn to paws. I felt it suddenly rush back, the fur vanished I looked into the mirror watching my face return to its normal state my eyes slowly returning from gold to blue. I quickly dressed in my uniform as I heard the first of the men stir in there racks. I'm a werewolf I cant get rid of that and I'm also gay things could be worse i thought to myself.
"Nicho you are already awake?" Said a voice to my right I turned my head. Looking at my friend James Peters

"yes James i have been awake since 0700" I answered. Privet Peters slowly got up turning around his ass in my face. Admittedly he had a very nice ass round and tight. Sadly though he was engaged to a woman. I mentally slapped myself and turned my eyes away. As the day was just getting started, nothing like getting yelled at by a Sergeant for being to slow or sloppy when doing drills. A good life but lonely more or less. Thinking to myself who was the last boyfriend I had?

Brad p.o.v
I looked around nervously as I walked into the empty Barracks of my new company. Hopefully this will not end like last time i thought to myself. Having been forced to transfer companies after the last had threatened. To kill him for being gay

"Do not drop any hints or clues this damn time" I said to myself. I heard it the sound of men coming towards the barracks the footsteps and laughs

"well here we go".... I say under my breath and prepare to my new company.

Nicho p.o.v.
On the way back to the barracks something felt wrong. A new scent hit my nose much more sweeter and alluring drawing me towards the open Barrack door. I felt the wolf in me spring to life this new scent was driving it wild. As we walked through a young guy. No older the about 19 stood there waiting. He was tall Maybe about 5'11 short military style cut hair dark chocolate brown and by far the most beautiful storm gray eyes I have ever seen. My heart lurched out of my chest. I felt the wolf begin to growl and whine inside
"Mine" it said. Something about this man made me want to lean in and hold him close ,kiss him and make him mine. I pulled back ignoring the feeling well the thing about this kid he will probably be nothing more then a really good wet dream for me.

Brad p.o.v
Looking in this crowd of Marines none of them really struck me as very attractive and well I have a broken gaydar so they all past me as straight. Then i felt that creeping sensation that someone was looking at me I turned around and found myself locking eyes with by far the most beautiful man i had ever seen in my life he was at least 6'8 if not taller lean and well muscled deepest blue eyes i have ever seen in my life with jet black hair. His body looked like is was sculpted out of marble. I felt the heat start to build up in my body. My cock stirred in my pants i fought against the discomfort of my boxer briefs getting uncomfortable tight.
"Privet First Class Bradley Davis" yelled the drill sergeant I stood stiffly at attention my broad shoulders flared out and straight my feet 45 degree angle apart.
"Sir Yes Sir" I chimed back

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