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"It follows you around like a shadow you can't escape it ; because it is part of you it's who you are. You have no choice ,but to accept it"

Nico p.o.v
Brenton followed behind me closely the landscape of Camp was very sparse and empty dry grass grew out of the ground litter by clumps of trees every so often.

"Very Dry I can see why you only run at night you black fur would stick out like a sore thumb" Brenton chuckled.

"One of the perks of having Black fur is that I can blend in and not get singled out during a battle" I said seriously.

"True but I look so much better then you" Brenton joked.
I led him farther into the woods soon enough I felt the shift coming I quickly stripped off my clothes stuffing them into a hallow tree. The shift from human to wolf was a interesting image watching your bones shift and crack into place. I knew the order I watched myself shift many different times first to change was my ribcage. It would extend forward narrowing my ribs changing shape and form my shoulders would then. Shift upwards forming onto either side of my now narrowed wolfish ribcage. My skull would then elongate my ears moving to the top of my head as I my fangs and canines started to sprout from my gums.My ears would move to the top of my head and grow larger my spine would grow longer. Until a tail formed at the base of my spine My legs would grow long and lanky. The palms of my hands shifted into pads my fingers become the toe pads of my paws sharp black claws protruded from the ends. My eyes where the last to shift the blue would change into a lamp like eery yellow gold.Soon enough my four paws had touched down onto the barren dusty ground of Camp Pendleton.Brenton gave me a friendly wolfish growl before taking off at press paw pace.I followed jumping over a fallen log I was a few inches taller then Brenton. I heard it the pounding of paws behind me for an Alpha Brenton was fairly clumsy.The run lasted a couple hours before we shifted back.I headed to the showers the Barracks where slowly filling up both Christian and James trotted up to me.
"So are you no longer single?" Christian asked I could see the mischevious glimmer in their eyes

"Did you get laid?" James grinned from ear to ear as he said that.I sighed shaking my head at them

"Single not anymore Laid is a no I want to wait till he's ready."

"Leave it to Nico to be the gentleman" Christian joked handing me his flask from the smell it was strong possible vodka or bourbon. Tangy nutty smell seemed to suggest that whatever alcohol that was had been aged inside of a oak barrel. I took a draught enjoying the burn as the liqiud made its way down my throat. Christian along with James continues with there playful banter about my singleness I sighed shaking my head at them both grinning. Brad had woke up from his nap I locked eyes with him. Shifting from him to the shower he got my idea and grabbed his shower kit waiting patiently for me. As I grabbed mine I got up heading to the showers Brad following closely behind.
It was empty luckily I headed to the shower in the far back placing my shower kit down I grinned. As I felt arms wrap around my waist I turned to find Brad pushing me farther back into the shower pulling the curtain closed.

"Well hey there sexy" I purred

"I missed you" Brad grinned mischievously.

"I can see that" I said softly starting to unbutton the front of Brad's fatigues.

"Mmmmmmm the big bad wolf isn't that bad" Brad said in a teasing tone running his fingers over my chest. Unbuttoning my fatigue slowly teasing me.
I felt it the wolf raising wanting its mate.

"You are playing with fire Brad" I groaned

"I like fire its wonderful" Brad grinned at me playfully a lustful glint in his eyes.
I let out a growl quickly pinning Brad under the stream of hot water my chest pressing against his back. I let my wolf growl into his ear, the smell of arousel seemed to coat the air. I growled grinding my hard member against my mates oh so wonderful ass. I growl lowly in his ear

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