The life of mine

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Life itself is a struggle the fact of living surviving learning the pros ,and cons of every single thing you have to learn day in ,and day out. Humanity for some is a fleeting dream left for those daydreamers dreaming of a white picket fence little yellow house with a white front porch. In truth reality is a cold and hard driver meant to break you. A cruel frightening maiden one that can be forgiving at times ,and vengeful all at once. -Kimberly Nguyen

(Quote from Tyrion Lannister in here and some more quotes comment if you can find them :) )

Nico p.o.v

I nuzzled my face into Brad's neck inhaling deeply letting out soft little pup whimpers in all of the years I had been alive I had never imagined how someone could love me.

"Hehe Nico what are you doing you sound like a puppy" Brad laugh trying to push my head out of his neck "That tickles stop it"

I let out another pup whine rubbing my head against his neck before pulling back ,and smiling at him. "Sorry the inner fuzzball came out" I awkwardly rubbed the back of my neck.

"Inner Fuzzball?" Brad chuckled

"Yeah my wolf didn't really have much of a proper puphood so lets just say he is a bit childish" I grinned

"Oh really?" Brad had this look on his face the kind of face you see on someone who is planning on doing something........evil

"What are you planning?" I grinned a bit uneasily

"Oh...........Nothing" Brad chuckled turning away before he turned and tackled me rubbing my stomach causing me to let out a little puppy whine ,and grumble as my wolf happily rolled over.

"No not the belly rubs" I whined

"Awwww but its so cute your little ears are starting to poke out" Brad chuckled reaching up with his other hand to stroke my soft pointed ears. My wolf grumbled and started rubbing my head against his hand.

"Aww geez not now" I grumbled as my wolf happily leaned into the petting.

"God Lycus you are such a baby" I groaned mentally

"No I'm not but seriously Nico the petting........" He trailed off I felt it a sense of happiness ,and the inner wolf tail wagging away happily.

It felt to surreal to good to actually be happening I happily let out a soft grunt leaning onto him. I felt my phone vibrate I reached down into my pocket pulling it out looking at the screen their was a text from Christian my blood went cold as I read it.

"Hey man this anin't good but when you get back Monday all of us leave for deployment in three weeks to the Korangal valley"

"Shit" I heard softly against my ear I realized Brad was reading over my shoulder.

"The Korangal Valley" he whispered softly

"Yeah..." I gulped my throat dry I knew Brad was listening to the conversation.

"Nico what's wrong?" Brad asked gently

"Thats where my first deployment was...." I trailed off as bloody memories flashed before my eyes "I lost control....." a low pain filled growl left my throat. "I killed off a whole village out of rage....."

"I'll be with you this time things will be different" Brad voice sounded different their was courage , faith ,but most of all there was trust. I felt it a lone tear slip free of my eyes his hand came up cupping my cheek wiping it away. "You might be a wolf ,but you don't always have to be strong" He smiled gently standing up pulling me up with him.

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