Damn it!!!

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Nico p.o.v

Soon enough me and Brad where on the high way again I felt it barely a slight thought of unease from Brad. I think our bond was growing strong he felt uneasy.

"What's wrong sweet thing?" I asked

"Nothing I'm fine" Brad said I could tell he was lying.

"Don't lie to me I can sense things like that" I chuckled reaching my hand over rubbing my hand over his knuckles.

"What how can you know stuff like that?" Brad stared at me

"I'm not human sweetheart remember nose of a wolf intuition of a scholar and body of a god" I chuckled.

Brad smacked me gently "your body is nice but its not god like"

I started driving to Delilah's house

Brad's hand had slipped up my shirt running his hand over my abs.

I gasped at the feeling tingles running all over my stomach.

As I pulled up Ed walked out an arm slung lazily over Delilah's shoulders.

Ed was about 6'5 a wolf like yours truly his human body. Was built bulky with muscles that rippled when he moved. Spiked up black hair a slight tan with pearly white teeth and dark black brown eyes.

"Nico where the hell have you been its been along time" Ed bellowed.

"Oh just here and there" I chuckled walking up to him giving him an awkward one armed embrace.

His teeth flashed "so I heard you have a mate now where is the lucky fellow."

Brad got out of the jeep and Ed grinned waggling his eyebrows all I could do is shake my head and groan.

"Aww don't groan Nico he is cute I like him" Ed chuckled

turning to my mate I chuckled "Brad this is Ed, Ed this is Brad"

"Nice to meet you" Brad said shaking Ed's hand. I felt a jealous prick run down my spine.

Delilah leaned over whacking the back of my head I then realized I was growling quietly. Brad walked over to me wrapping an arm around my body I calmed down insantly I purred quietly Ed's lip twitched in amusement.

"Uh oh Big bad Nico has gone soft" Ed chuckled earning a growl from me Ed growled back a playful glint in his eyes.

His and delilah's house was in secluded part of the woods there cloest neighbor being 20 miles away. I jumped and shifted knocking Brad down in the process I whined and gently nosed him back to his feet earning. A pat on the head I looked over and Ed's dusty gray wolf grinned with his tongue lolling out over the side of his mouth. I jumped into a play bow charging at Ed playfully I was much larger and taller but he was much stockier built.

I snapped my jaws gently on Ed's scruff Delilah watched laughing at her Husband struggling. Under my grip I growled playfully jumping off Ed and dashing to the woods.

Brad p.o.v

I never realized how such a large animal could be so quick and graceful. I watched Nico in wolf form jumped and turn on a dime nipping at Ed's heels.

Delilah nudged my arm handing me a glass of water while we watched the guys play.

"So do they always do this?" I asked taking a sip of water.

"Yeah ever since they where pups" Delilah laughed as Ed did an ungraceful flip landing awkwardly on his back. "You should of seen them as pups Nico was a little black fur ball whose fur never wanted to lay flat" She giggled.

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