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-Demi, Niall today you are going to Disneyland!!- said Simon

-I thought that today it will be my free day - said Niall

-Well no, you are going there. End of story - said Simon

Niall was angry. He wanted to have one day for himself. Just one day without Lovato. This was not going to happen. 

Niall and Demi went to Disneyland.

 As usual a lot of fans were taking photos with them ... They spent almost whole day connecting with fans taking photos, talking with fans but not talking to each other. They were together. They were holding hadns, smiling etc but everytime when they  could they tried to stay away from each other ... They were tired of this situation.

-Niall honey could you give me a drink? - asked Demi

-Everything you want my love - said Niall.

Fans were amazed by this situation.

Niall went for drinks.

Suddenly Demi  heard two girls talking.

-Ugh this fat bitch took our Niall. I don't know what he see ih her! Tons of fat? - said first one

-Hahah .. I don't know either .... She is so fat, ugly and disgusting! I hate her! She should die! - said another one.

Demi couldn't listen to it anymore. She ran to the car. Niall saw her running and ran after her.

He caught her and bring her to place where people can't see them. He saw that she was crying.

-What happend? - asked Niall

Demi didn't say a word. 

-Come on tell me. I'm worried. Everything was ok and suddenly i saw you running away. Demi tell me what happend.

She looked at him and said:

-Just hug me please.

He did what she asked for. He was worried despite he doesn't like her. He never saw her in such a state. He wanted to help her, do something that would  make her smile again or something but he didn't know what to do.

-Take me home please, I don't wanna be here anymore - said Demi

He did what she asked. He took her home.

-Niall thanks for everything - she said very quiet. -I just gonna go now.

-Now way I'm going with you.  I'm not leaving you alone. - he said

-but Niall

-There's no but!

Demi surrendered.  They went to her house and were siiting there for like two hours. They didn't talk to each other... They were just hugging cause that was all what Demi in that moment needed.

-Niall thanks again for everything.

-No problem i just wish that you will tell me what happend.

-I will tell you but not today. Now I just wanna go sleep and forget.

-I will stay with you I will be sleeping on a couch or something. I will be here if you need something.

-Why are you doing this? You hate me

-We don't like each other but honestly I can't watch you hurting.  If I were feeling like you today I know that I wouldn't wanna be alone. So we don't must like each other I will stay with you anyway. It's like Harry said we must stop fighting. Maybe we never will be friends or something but at least we can try to be nice to each other and support each other in this difficult for us situation. So I'm staying with you. You have no choice.

-Well, ok but ....


-Maybe you could sleep with me today? I mean next to me nothing more .. I just don't wanna be alone ...


They went to her bedroom.

Niall fall asleep very quickly but Demi couldn't sleep. She was thinking about whole situation.

" I was feeling so good about myself and this two bitches made me question everything. I don't know anymore .. Am I worth something ? Why people hate me so much! Gosh I must Stay Strong. I must talk to Marissa. It's good that niall is here I don't wanna do something stupid that I will  regert ... with him beeing here I won't do anything. Gosh why people hate me so much??? STOP  STOP I must stop this. I must STAY STRONG for me, my family,friends and for my Lovatics. 


She fall asleep.


What do you think about this chapter? 

I don't know if I will post new chapter ... I just don't know ....

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