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They were at dinner and were having fun. 

-Well this evening is really great ... I never think that I will have so much fun with you- said Demi

-Well mee too... but Demi I have to ask yoy about something. Are you okay? Could you tell me what happend yesterday?

-Please Niall don't ruin that night.

-But ..

-No Niall I will tell you but not tonight ... tonight we need to look really happy, remember? And if I will tell you what happend I won't look happy anymore ... so not today. Today let's have fun. Maybe we should order more drinks?

-Ok, you are right, but remmber I will wait till you will tell me. Yeahh let's order drinks.

They ordered drinks and then they ordered more and more drinks. They were having fun.

They were feeling great.  Demi and Niall were happy. All problems disappeared. They didn't care about anything. They wanted to have one night without thinking about this whole situation ... about everything what was going on .. about lies .. and worries ... They wanted just have some fun and that was what they had.

After few hours they decided to go home.  On way to Demi's home they bought more drinks. 

-So that was really great evening. Thanks Demi - said Niall

-Yes I was having fun... It was nice .. maybe you wanna come in? I mean we bought this drinks so we should drink them.

-Well ok ..come on

They went to Demis house. Theu were drinking more and more. Demi and Niall were also talking. They were talking a lot and were acting like friends or more.  

This was a great night for them ..

After a while Niall decided to go home. So they hugged and when Niall was supposed to go they kissed. It was very long and passionate kiss. After that kissed they were just looking at each other and after that they started kissing again.  

Demi and Niall went to her bedroom and took off their clothes.

And yes they did it.

Next morning when Niall woke up he was feeling very bad. He had headache.

He didn't know where he was. He looked around and saw Demi next to him and he rememberd what happend. He rememberd everything and he liked what happend. He looked at Demi and he wanted to have sex with her again, again and again. She was perfect, annoying but prefect.

"No Niall You don't like her and she doesn't like you. Remember that! " - he thought.

Suddenly Demi woke up ahe looked at Niall and she was embarassed.

-Niall .. I don't know how that happend .. I don't want you to think that I'm slut or sth.

-I don't think that .. I think that we both drink to much and we didn't know what we were doing. 

-Yes you are right. - she said and looked at him.

 They were looking at each other and started kissing and they did it again!

They were happy.  

In the afternoon they got dressed and went downstaris.

-Niall, I think that we made a mistake. We can't do this. Yesterdey we wre drunk and we didn't know whar we were doing and today it was just a mistake .... we got carried away.

-Yes you are right we can't so let's pretend like nothing happend. 

-That's a good idea.

They eat something and after that Niall went home.

At that moment both felt good about that decision.


-Niall where were you? Let me guess .. You were with Demi - said Harry

-Yes .. I was ...

-OMG you did it! You did it!  - said Harry

-No.. we didn't .... well yess we did it

-How was that? - asked Liam

-Amazing but it was a mistake and we won't do this again - said Niall

-We will see about that  - said Louis

Niall went to his room and all he could think about was Demi and night he spent with her.

"It was amazing really amazing but it was also a mistake and it won't happen again!"


She was alone in her house and she didn't know what to do. She was thinking about Niall

"Well that was amazing but it won't happen again."


What do you think about this chapter ??

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