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"Tomorrow I will see him again. I'm not ready. I can't smile. We just broke up even if I didn't want to break with him. I don't know what will happen. We will be in a place full of people. Our fans will be there so we are going to pretend that we are together! That we love each other( which it true but still I can't be with Niall) and that we are happy! I'm so confused. I don't know what should I do. I really love Niall but is there real chance for us? A lot of people don't want us to be together. They want to ruin me and Niall. They are jealous of us. I don't know if  I can handle this. A lot of people hate me. They say rude things about me, my friends and my family. I try to don't care about them but it hurts... it hurts very much. I'm not so strong as everyone may think. I'm vulnerable. I don't understad any of this. Why people hate me so much? Why they don't want to let me be happy? Why they don't want to let me be happy with Niall? I just want to be happy and Niall makes me happy.

 I can't be with Niall not now... maybe someday ..

This day is going to be terrible. Ho could I look in his eyes and pretend that I'm happy? How could I kiss him after everything what happend? I love him so much but I can't be with him"

Next day Demi went to a party. When she saw Niall she smiled but all she wanted to do is cry. She loved him so much. Niall was smiling too but she saw that he wasn't happy.

They kissed and after that they smiled. A lot of people were looking at them. Demi  and Niall were smiling but honestly both of them were sad... really sad. Niall wanted to scream. He was sad and angry. He wanted to be with Demi for real. They were really happy and suddenly he lost her and he didn't know waht he could to fix this situation.

He was smiling but he was heartbroken.

She was smiling but she was heartbroken.

This whole situation was stupid.

They were in place full of people. They were smiling, kissing, holding hands like nothing ever happend.  

But there were moments when they looked at each other and they could see that both of them wasn't happy. Demi could saw Niall's pain and he could saw her's. Btu this were just a brief moments like miliseconds when both of them could really saw what other person felt. Luckily no one beside them could saw it. People didn't suspect anything. They thought that Demi and Niall were really happy.

After that event Demi and Niall were going back home together. She was in Niall's car. He had to took her home. Simon told him to do that. Niall tried to stay quiet but he couldn't do that and said:

-Why Demi? Why?

There was a lot of pain in his voice. Demi couldn't say a word so he asked again:

-Why you don't want to be with me? I'm sorry for everything. I'm so sorry but I can't live wihout you. I love you so much.

-Niall stop please.

-I can't Demi ... I can't do this ...

-You must stop. I can't be with you. This whole thing ... us .. it was a mistake Niall

-Don't say that! It wasn't mistake and don't say that you don't love me because I know you do!

-I can't deny that I had feelings for you but I can't be with you.

-Demi please...

They arrived to her apartment and came out of the car then they went to her apartment.

-Thanks for ride .. but I think I should go to sleep ...

-Demi don't change the subject. Don't do this to me. Please Demi. Come back to me.

-No Niall I can't do that.


-I think you should go...

-Demi please...

-Go Niall! Just go! -she yelled at him

Niall looked at her. There were tears in his eyes. He didn't say anything more and then he left her apartment.

Through his way home he tried to stay calm. No one could saw him crying but when he went to his house he couldn't take it anymore.. he  run to his room, locked doors and started crying. He was heartbroken and he couldn't pretend anymore.

When Niall left Demi's apartment she started crying. She hated all of this. She hates everything. She went to bed and was crying there. she couldn't sleep. All the time she was thinking about Niall and crying. She was heartbroken.


Okay here it is ... new episode... I'm so sory for not posting anything in such long time. I just couldn't write anything.  I tried so many times but I just couldn't.

I don't know when I will post new chapter but I will post it.

Thanks for all your votes and comments. Without them I wouldn't post anything new. When I saw your comments I jus knew that I had to write something new.

Sorry for all mistakes but it is 1 am and I'm really tired ...

I hope you like this chapter :)

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