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Niall was thinking about what happend with Demi. He didn't understand her reaction. He decided to avoid her.  After all she ran away after he kissed her and that ashamed him.  Niall wanted to work things out with Demi but after last night he knew that she didn't want him or didn't want to anything with him. He decided that he must move on. He knew what was going on.He knew what was going to happen. That all days which he spent with Demi all their talks... He knew that he stared to fall in love with her despite that he didn't want to. He knew that he must protect himself. Demi hates him so he can't fall in love with her. 

"I need to go back ... I need to start hating her again!" He thought

Niall decided that he must drink something. So he bought beer and after that went to his house and stared drinking.


Demi couldn't stop thinking about that kiss with Niall. She didn't  know why she run away well actually she did but she didn't want admit that she like Niall. She liked him a lot but she was pretending that she didn't. All the time she saw his face ... his smile ... She knew that she has to hate him but she couldn't actuallty do that. Deep down she knew that she liked him but she didn't want to admit it.

-You are thinking about Niall again. Demi you must do something about that! You must decide if you want be with him or not because this what it is ... is not working. You can't stop thinking about him. YOU MUST DECIDE! Do you wanna be with him or not? If you want do something about that go to see him, tell him what you feel. If you don't want be with him stop thinking about him and move on! Demi it's time for you to decide because you can't live like this anymore.

-The thing is I don't know what to do. All this year's I hated him so much and now I don't think I hate him. It's all weird. We hated each other and now we will be dating? Weird.

-What is weird about that? You like him and he likes you so you should at least try to be tohether. I'm not saying that you must marry him or something but you should try to be with him. If you wont try you may regret it you know? You don't know what will happen. Maybe you will be very happy with him.

-I think you are right. I should try to be with him. I want to be happy again. I deserve to be happy. Should I go see him ?

-Yeah! what are you waiting for! Go! Tell him!

-Okay, thank's for your advices Marissa. I'm very lucky to have friend like you.

-Stop Demi I didn't do anything. 

-No you did.

-aww I love you. You are my best friend and I am happy to have somone like you around me. 

They hugged.

-Ok I'm going to talk with Niall.  Bye.

Demi went to see Niall. He was very shocked when he saw her. 

-What are you doing here? You came because you wanna run away from me again?

-No  Niall please stop. I came because I wanna say something to you.


-I think I like you Niall.

He was even more shocked.

-What? I must be drunk and I'm hallucinating. This is not real is it?

-Stop Niall this is real. I really like you. Wait are you drunk?

-No I drank only one beer. So you really wanna try?

-Yes I think we should try. If this wont work out we will hate each other again. It can't be worse than it was.

Niall didn't say anything more but kissed Demi. 

After that they decided to wath movie. They didn't pay attention to the movie because they were kissing a lot. After movie they started talking. They wanted to get to know each other. Both of them were having fun.

-So Demi are you happy that we are together?

-Yeah and you?

-Never been happier.

Few hours later boys came to visit Niall. All of them were very happy to see Niall and Demi together.

-So are you together for real? - asked Zayn

-Yes - Demi and Niall replied at the same time.

All of them were sitting and talking. They were just having fun. Then Zayn, Liam, Louis and Harry decided to go home. 

-Demi maybe you wanna stay at my place tonight?

-Well yes I can stay but Niall .... I don't wanna rush anything... We have time let's maybe do everything slow. Is that oay with you? 

-Yeah, let's do that.


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