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"OMG what is that? What should I do? This person knows about me and Niall? but it's impossible .. no one knows ... only few people know but they wouldn't send me this text. I don't know what to do. That is horrible .. this message ... Gosh. Who is that person. What should I do?" - thought Demi

She was scared and she didn't know what to do. she was thinking about this whole situation about this message.

"Should I call Niall? "

She decided to talk to Niall. She called him and told about this text.  

After 30 min he came to her house and she showed him this text message.

-It's impossible. How could anyone know? - asked Niall

-Well I don't know and that's why I called you! 

-Calm down Demi! 

-How could I calm down? Someone send me this text. I'm scared and I don't know what to do.


-But wait a minute. Someone send me this text you didn't get anything. So maybe you or your friends sent this to me? 

-What the hell are you talking about? Are you stupid? Just shut up Lovato!  We didn't send you this text!

-Why should I believe you? I mean you hate me ...

-We are working together and I'm not that stupid to doing jokes like this. Besides I have better things to do that sending you text messages like this.

-  If I find out that you did this I will kill you Horan! Do you hear me?!?!

-yea .. yea.. shut up Lovato

-you shut up ...Let's say I believe you that you didn't send this but I still don't know what should we do?

-I don't know ... this whole situation is weird...

-Yeah I know..

-Hmmm ... let's leave this maybe this person won't text you again and if he do tell me and we will do something about that. Is that ok with you? - asked Niall

-Yes .. It's a good idea. - said Demi and hugged Niall.

After their conversation Niall went home. 

Demi didn't know what to do so she stared watching a movie.

After that she went sleep.

That day she didn't got any new messages.


This chapter is short and terrible ...sorry about that..

When I started this story I had many ideas what should I write.. but now .. honestly I don't know what to do ...

please tell me

Should I continue this story? Do you like it?

cuz I really don't know ... :(

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