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They went to talk with the boys.

Demi was really scared because she didn't know who that person was and what might she or he do.

She also was wondering why she was the only one who got that text messages. What did she do to desreve this.

Demi and boys decided to make a little investigation before telling about this to Simon.

They wanted to find out who that person was but they knew it will be hard.

Month later they started losing hope of getting to know who that person was.

They did almost everything to find out but still they didn't know anything.

It was really hard to find that person. All their circumstantial turned out to be nothing important. They wanted to find this person so badly. Demi wanted to find this person because she got a lot text messages.

Everyday she got a new one. She was terrified. Sometimes it was like this person knew  a lot about her personal life .. like this person was someone close to her .. someone who she knew. She didn't know anymore who to trust.

Boys were angry. 

They didn't want to tell Simon about all of this but they knew that they didn't had a choice.

When they started losing hope Liam found out about something.

-Guys I think I might know who that person is but it's not a good information.

-You know? How? Who it is? -asked Niall

-Niall I think that it is that girl Amy.

-Amy who?

-You know that Amy who you met at our party. 

-But how could she knew about this? -asked Niall confused.

-Niall you were drunk there. You might tell..

-Stop! How could you know this Liam? Tell me how! -yelled Niall

-Calm down Niall. I just want to help you guys. Amy said sometling to my friend Lucy. You know Lucy and Amy came here together ..

-What did she say?- asked Demi

-She say something like this " Gosh I hate this Lovato. But you know Lucy I have something that will destroy her perfect relationship. I know her secret" She didn't say what it was but I think that she sent you this messages.

-We must be sure that she is the one who we are looking for. - said Demi.

- I told you about that because Lucy is right now with Ann. She is trying to get to know the truth.

They had been waiting for like three hours. Demi was angry. She didn't want to talk with Niall.

She was just waitng for Lucy to come here.

Suddelny lucy came but she wasn't alone she was with that Amy girl.

-What are you doing here? -Harry asked Amy.

-Guys stop. We came here togehter because I want you to listen to something.

They heard a recording where Amy said how much she hated Demi and that she wanted to be with Niall. She also said that she was the one who was blackmailing Demi.

When Amy realized what happend she wanted to run away but boys didn't let her do that.

-You bitch! why did you do this?!?! You are horrible person. How could you do this! You are sick! I hate you! - yelled Demi

-Demi calm down. Amy I going tell this once so you better listen to me. I don't like you I never did. I want you to live us alone and stop texting Demi.Leave us alone. If you won't do this you will regret that. We will destroy you! So leave us and never come back! - said Niall

-Yes. We hate you. We don't wanna see you again. Just leave and never come back! - added Harry.

After his words Ann run away.

They were happy that this whole texting thing ended and that they knew who was texting Demi. All of them was happy exept Demi. She was sitting alone and she didn't said a word. She didn't want to talk to anyone even Niall. Suddenly she said:

-Niall we need to talk. Alone

-Ok let's go to my room.

They went to his room.

-So what's up babe?

-Niall i don't wanna be with you. From now on us being together is just a work nothing more I don't want to have anything to do with you.

-Demi! Why are you saying this?

-Niall because of you I got a lot of horrible text messages. And all was because of you! You said something to that bitch!

-But Demi ..

-No but's I don't wanna be with you. This month had been terrible! I was so scared! I didn't know what to do or who to trust! It was all your fault Niall! How could you do this? Why did you tell her about our fake "relationship". It was irresponsible! 

-Demi, love don't do this to me. Please I need you. I don't wanna be without you. You are my everything. I know I made a mistake. I was stupid and drunk. At that time I was angry because of this whole situation so I might tell her something but it was a mistake. I'm so sorry that because of me you had this text messages but please don't leave me.

-It's too late Niall. As much as I don't want to do this I have to. I really care about you but what you did was the most stupid thing in the world. I can't be with you right now it's too much for me.Bye Niall.-said Demi and went to her car.

-Demi don't leave me please. I love you- said Niall very quietly. He felt terrible.

Demi didn't want to look in Niall eyes because she knew if she do she will take everything back.She didn't want to break up with him but she knew that she can't be with him either.

Past few months were terrible for her and now she knew that, that everything was Niall's fault too because he said everything to that girl. She can't deal with this. She felt terrible. She started crying.She can't imagine her life without Niall. She didn't wanna be without him because she loved him.

Niall went to his room and started crying. Boys didn't know what was going on. They wanted to help him but they didn't know how. Niall didn't said a word. He was just lying on his bed.. crying. He couldn't imagine his life without Demi. He was so angry at himself. 

"I am so stupid. I did this stupid mistake and now I lost Demi. I don't know what I'm going to do. She is my everything. How could I be so stupid! I hate everything!" -He thought.

He can't deal with all that happend. He can't believe that their relationship was over. He loved her so much ..


Hy guys. I know that this chapter is weird and this Amy thing is really weird but I had to write something like this. Next chapters should be better and more iteresting :)

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