Chapter Six - 1970

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Harris made an appointment to see Commander Manningham Whitehead, head of Mi5 and Harris arrived early and awaited his summons. Harris was still convinced that Grace's idea was impossible and that Whitehead would shout him out of his office but Harris had no better alternative.

Grace was clearly a very intelligent person and her idea was a good one but too far out there to be taken seriously by an old school stick in the mud like Whitehead.

Whitehead's secretary gave him the nod and Harris opened the door and strode in trying to look confident and calm. Whitehead had never been friendly toward Harris but after the dressing down Harris had given Whitehead, after nearly being blown to pieces in the Centre Point Tower bunker, the thin layer of civility he used to extend Harris was most certainly long gone.

Harris outlined the idea, obviously skipping the part about it being Grace's suggestion and watched as Whiteheads face darkened and then turned an angry shade of purple. Harris visibly braced for the coming vocal eruption and felt stupid, no matter how loud Whitehead shouted he wasn't going to blow him away. Harris tried to un-tense his muscles but the violent vitriol about to be emitted prevented him from having total command over his body.

'I wanted them arrested and instead you come to me with this cockamamie idea?!' Whitehead shouted after what felt like an inaudibly long delay but had actually only been seconds after Harris had finished outlining the main points of the plan.

Harris left not long after the outburst making what might be kindly called a tactical withdrawal or hasty retreat.


After a week in hospital Smith was ready to be discharged. He had undergone physiotherapy on his damaged neck and been fed lots of fatty food as he was malnourished after spending a few days in a shallow grave. Beside the physical effects he also saw a phycologist and had appointments set up to see her on an ongoing basis. Despite all the stress and strain he had been through Smith stood up in the hospital and he'd never felt better. The trials and tribulations he had been through had shown him there was more to life and meeting Grace and the selfless care she had shown him reaffirmed his faith in humanity. With Vince Taft on the war path it would have been safer for Grace and John to turn a blind eye and leave Smith at the mercy of Vince Taft and his murderous intentions. Despite the risks they sought out Smith and took him to safety, or so they thought until Vince found them.

The scariest part for Smith since arriving in hospital was his memory loss. Neither he nor the doctors could tell him if it would be permanent but as he had recovered his strength and his neck felt better more and more fragments of memory came back. Smith became depressed at the things he remembered as he didn't like the person he had been.

The professional help he got helped his mental health greatly and he had decided to pack in his job at the London Underground. He wanted to do something more constructive with his life, catching people out was a negative process. The phycologist advised him against making any big changes straight away but Smith had no doubt he needed to change his life in order to truly move on.

Smith strode out of the hospital having been released and deemed no risk to National Security and smiled as the warmth of the sun shone down on his pale and weakened body. Today is a good day and tomorrow will be even better he thought as he walked into the unknown.


Harris was buzzed in through the secure set of doors at the front of the safe house and found Grace and John relaxing in the lounge. Harris decided it best to give them the news face to face, he owed them that much. The abuse and acrimony his meeting with Whitehead had caused was unpleasant but he felt he owed that much to Grace and John.

Grace watched Harris intently as he came in trying to get a read from his manner as to if it would be good or bad news. Harris was a highly trained spy or agent so he was accustomed at keeping a poker face no doubt.

Without preamble as they were desperate to hear the outcome Grace asked 'so how did the meeting with your boss go?'

'Not well. I'm sorry to say my boss and I are not on good terms and it might have had more of a chance if someone else had asked him. If we can talk confidentially after our near death experience in the Centre Point Tower bunker I tore him off a strip or two and since then I have been on rocky ground. I don't mind telling you that you two playing hardball has not helped my career prospects.' Harris responded in a friendly tone.

'I see' John replied despondently.

'My boss threw me out of his office pretty damn quick after giving me the hair drier treatment. I can tell by the strength of his violent outburst that he is a pro at it.' Harris continued.

'Well nothing ventured nothing gained' Grace responded in a calm measured tone.

'Well not really.' Harris replied.

'What does that mean? Asking him this has made him angry and means we're off to prison?' John asked with increasing dismay.

'Well not really.' Harris replied.

'Well spit it out Harris!' Grace responded with a hint of impatience.

'Well the day after the meeting I got a phone call from my boss's secretary. She likes me and I think she may have put a good word in for us. She arranged for me to bump into Whitehead, my boss, and he seemed more receptive to the idea so I outlined it and told him all the points you told me Grace and he was impressed. He asked me outright where the idea came from and I felt I had to tell him the truth. I told him it was you Grace and instead of screaming in my face he smiled and walked off. I was not sure what that meant but a few hours later I got another phone call from his secretary and I went to Whiteheads office and he gave me written authorisation approving your idea.' Harris finished with a flourish and a smile whilst removing the document from his pocket and carefully unfolded it. It had a wax mark on the bottom and an imprint of a ring which had a large "MW" in it.

Grace and John exchanged a confused glance and then they stared at Harris trying to digest what he had just said. They were amazed. Grace thought her idea a good one but also thought it a ridiculous long shot especially when Mi5 could have easily thrown them into jail for the rest of their lives.

'And what about Smith, is he included too?' Grace asked trying to piece together the mass of thoughts running through her brain and trying to contain her excitement.

'That was a sticky point for Whitehead but he relented so yes Smith is in too. Do you want me to tell him or can I leave it to you? I think it would be better coming from you that all three of you are going to be working for Mi5 as agents.' Harris responded and beamed with pride and pleasure at being able to help three people who had done so much for their country and also kept the secrets they discovered.

'You will all have to go through the intensive training course as any new recruit but I am confident you will all succeed especially when I look at what you managed to do on your own' Harris said whilst shaking their hands and slapping them on the back.

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