•||Chapter Eight||•

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•Katelyn's pov•

My smile widens as I hear the 'pat pat pat' of Abby running. I bend down and catch Abby in a hug. After a few seconds Abby exclaims, "Heya Auntie Katelyn! Hi Auntie Aphmau!"

"Aww hello Abby. Wheres your dad?" Aphmau asks.

"Oh he's in the kitchen. He told me to greet you two and has something special for you! I don't know what it is, but he seemed excited, so I'm excited!" Abby replied eagerly.

"Hahah, well, how about you go play with Aphmau, and I go talk to your dad, how's that sound?" I ask and Abby nodded her head, right before pulling on Aphmau's sleeves and dragging her to the floor to play.

I chuckle and head over to the kitchen. "Well well well what do we have here? Whisky? Jeffery, are you trying to get us drunk?" I smirk.

Jeffery jumps and turns around. As soon as he seen me, he laughs. "Maybe I am Katelyn. In any case it's good to see you." He pulls me into a hug.

A few seconds later we separate. I sigh, "It's so good to see you Jeffery. I missed you."

"I missed you too Katelyn. But do you want a drink?" He smirks.

"Aphmau might want some, she's to naive to say no. I won't take any though, I don't want to be loony around Abby." I say and twirl my finger around my head, sticking my tongue out and crossing my eyes. We both laugh.

"Alright alright," Jeffory says. "I think Abby wanted to play outside with you, so call Aphmau in, we can catch up later."

"Abby what to play outside?" I say as I stick my head out of the kitchen. "Oh and Aph, you can talk to Jeffory a bit."

"Huh?" Aphmau says. "Oh yeah, I need a little bit of catch up too."

"Okay. Let's play outside Abby!" I say, pretending to get really excited.

"Yay! Play outside! Building snowmans is my favorite!" Abby exclaims and goes to the closet to get her winter coat. I chuckle and go over to help her.

After Abby is all suited up, we walk out the front door and I hear Jeffery say, "Have fun Darling!" Aphmau cackled and slurred something. Oh boy. They've already got into the alcohol.

"So Abby, how exactly do we build a snowman?" I ask, smiling.

Abby's eyes light up. "Well you seeAuntie Katelyn, you have to get three huge balls of snow first!" She says and stretches her arms out wide. I chuckle.

"Well let's do that first now shall we?" I suggest. Abby nods furiously, and starts to roll up the head of the snowman. I get to work on the middle of the snowman, and after a few minutes, I'm done. I also notice Abby is finishing hers up too.

"Want to do the bottom of the snowman now? It takes a lot of effort, and I need strong Abby!" I say and flex my muscles.

Abby flexes back, "I'm strong Auntie Katelyn!" She says confidently and starts to make the base of the snowman. I go over to help her and something in the window of the house catches my eye. I look over and there is Aphmau laughing away. She spots me, waves, and blows a kiss. I blush and get back to Abby.

After about 15 minutes, we have a decently constructed snowman body. As I stack them all on top of eachother, I ask Abby what's next. "Well you see Auntie Katelyn, we have to get a hat, scarf, some buttons, and sticks!"

"Let's look for two good sticks and then we can go inside and get everything else!" I exclaim. Abby smiles and runs off to find two sticks. We search for a bit and eventually find two sticks that suit Abby's taste.

After placing the sticks on the snowman I say, "How about we look for stuff inside?" Abby nods and we head inside.

"Here's my daddy's scarf and hat! I think there are some buttons in the kitchen too..." Abby says. I go into the kitchen to look for them.

"Hey Kate-hic!-lyn heheheh...." Aphmau giggles. Oh shit. She's drunk.

"Hahah Katelyn look who had a little too much to drink." Jeffery swings his hips as he walks into the room. He smirks and places his hand on the wall. I furrow my brow and glare at him. "Don't worry, I'm not drunk. I can still see straight and I still know who I am." I sigh. That's good.

Next thing I know I can feel Aphmau's hands creep around my waist from behind me. I blush as she pulls herself tighter against me. "Katelyn..." She mutters.

"Y-yes Aph? What's wrong?" I say stuttering.

"Katelyn do you love me..." Aphmau asks. I blush even more than I already am an turn around. "Katelyn I love you so you love me...?"

"S-sure Aphmau, I love you." I respond nervously.

"If you loved me, you'd kiss me..." She says. Oh my god alcohol makes this girl insane. I mean not like I haven't been wanting to kiss her, but she's under the influence and all.

I slowly bend down and kiss her forehead. Apparently that wasn't enough for her and she reaches up, pulls my head down, and smashes her lips against mine.

My eyes light up as wide as saucers, and I stand shock still. Aphmau is kissing me...

After a few seconds Aphmau pulls back and sighs. "Katelyn...?"

"Y-yes what's up Aph?"

"I f-feel dizzy..." And all of a sudden Aphmau passed out.

"Auntie Katelyn did you find the buttons..." Abby runs into the kitchen. "Why is Aphmau sleeping on the floor Daddy?"

"Abby I'm going to need you to go to the car. We're going to drive Auntie Aphmau to the doctors to get her checked up. Hurry now get your coat on," Jeffery says and turns to me. "Mind helping her? I'll get Aph to the car."

I nod and go over to help Abby get her coat and shoes on. I look over and see Jeffery trying to get Aphmau's things, "I'll get Aphmau's stuff just get her into the car." I say and Jeffery nods.

"Auntie Katelyn is Auntie Aphmau going to be alright?" Abby whispers.

"Of course she is, your dad and I just want to make sure she's okay." I respond. Abby nods and we head out to the car.


It had been about two hours and Aphmau hasn't woken up yet.

"Shoot Katelyn it's past Abby's bedtime. Do you mind calling someone to take you home? Abby's about to throw a fit." Jeffery tells me. I nod and he thanks me and leaves.

I sit by her bed and lay my head on the bed. A few minutes later Aphmau speaks, "Urgh..." I feel her try to sit up, and I raise my head. "Katelyn is that you?"

"Yes Aph it's me. Don't worry, you passed out, but we're getting a ride home as soon as possible. Once the doctors say you're good to go, we can leave.

"Katelyn, why did I pass out?" Aphmau asks. "Ugh that light is hurting my eyes, can you turn it off?"

I go over to the light switch and flick it off. "Well Aph you passed out because you were drunk." I state simply.

Her eyebrows raise, "What exactly did I do when I was drunk?"

Well, you see, it's a bit of a long story, and I don't know if I want to explain it. Just know you get really giggly when you get drunk.

The doctor walks in at that moment, and flicks the light on, "Ah Aphmau, I see you are awake. Well if she's alright, she's free to go."

"Thanks doc I'll call someone to get us." I reply.

He nods, and walks out the door.


sorry guys. I didn't update for a little while. I had this really depressive spike in my life, and I'm just really tired. I'll try to edit this later, so don't mention any typos pls. I love y'all, and I'm so sorry <3

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