장 세 (Chapter Three)

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  Jayden got out the car and Opened My Door Quickly but as i got out he seemed To be chuckling quietly. "what's So funny?" i asked while putting my hands on my hips and tilting my head. "You Mami~" he shut and locked the Doors. Fuck, that wasn't the answer i was expecting i just laughed a Little and started Walking away and he followed.

  "Lilah baby girl Wait up!!" He said while catching up to me. I starting looking up at him"Damn.." I mumbled but I know he heard me. "Damn what?" He looked down at me and smirked. "Your just..so tall.." I giggled as we stopped walking, he bent down until he was a shorter than me "is that better?" I rolled my eyes and playfully pouted "No i liked you tall" he smirked when he heard me say 'liked' "Get on my back Baby girl" Jayden said while looking me in the eyes.

  "This guy is making me blush and he's doing this on purpose" I thought to myself. I shrugged and smiled then got on his back, damn he's strong i mean he lifted me like i was a Teddy bear. "Is my hair bothering you?" He asked and pulled down his sleeve shoving two black pony tail tiers. I shook my head no smiling "Can i play in it?" I started massaging his scalp, his hair is so healthy and it smells.so.fucking.good. he moaned softly and laughed "you can do whatever you want with my hair."

  We walked around on Peachtree Street for about 30 minutes and out of the blue he decided to stop walking and grab my hand. "Yo, I'm having A hella lot of fun hangin' out witchu" he Smirked and looked across the street, i tried to follow his gaze but then he turned his head and looked me in the eyes.

  COULD ANYTHING BE BETTER THAN THIS ASJKDSK!!!!!! I smiled and looked down at his Gray and white Jordan Horizons. He tipped my chin up and made me look him in the eyes. "Lemme see them eyes.." He smirked "You're Gorgeous..you know that?" he licked his bottom lip. I couldn't stop smiling so i just shook my head no, shit i was too nervous to talk.

  I Knew this kid since i was 14 And I've Liked him ever since but i just thought he saw me as a little sister But now That were older and Lowkey Closer than we were before I'm pretty sure he wants me. He tilted his head and chuckled "Lilah you Lovely, and you So Bad but.." He chuckled some more "But i bet that attitude nasty" I giggled after he said that because its true  "So if i make you mad whatchu gonna do?" Jayden said playfully. "Fight you" i lied, Honestly I'd ignore him For like Two minutes then Go ask why he's ignoring me...Unless he really Fucked up then I'm ignoring him for about 30 minutes to an Hour...bzzt...bzz.. I looked at my phone and saw "2 New Messages" i clicked The bar and it said: 
"Auntie: Hey hun I'm going to be over Aunt Loraine's house for a while xxoo -Momi turned off my phone as my Inner Diva rolled her eyes. I looked back up at jayden. He Tilted his head and smirked "Ooh Feisty, Ready to go home?" I smiled and said "yeah I guess" He Picked me up and carried me over his shoulder all the way to the car.

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