Chapter 1: The Attack

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I hate pirates. They're filthy, cruel and and horrible. I was absolutely sure I never wanted to meet one.

That was until I met Captain Jack Sparrow.

Ever since I was a young girl, I have always been taught to hate pirates. I hear stories of their attacks, of how they prey on ports and settlements, and how they pillage and murder. I am the governor's daughter, Lady Catherine Waters. Never in my whole life have I met a pirate - and I don't intend of meeting one ever.

I pull back the lace curtains of my window, letting the light from the morning sun enter my bedroom. I look out my bedroom window. Like always, it's a boring day in Port Royal. Navy vessels are docked in the bay while officers are rushing around doing their daily buisness. I wonder what it's like out there in the ocean. I gaze at the currents and waves. The ocean is quite beautiful. I don't mind waking up to it everyday.

I trace my fingers along the wooden windowsill. There's not much adventure in the life of a lady. My whole life has been planned out, actually. 

I  walk downstairs the manor. Downstairs waiting for me is the Commodore. 

"Shouldn't you be at the ceremony?" I ask him.

"The ceremony ended an hour ago, Miss Waters. I was deeply disappointed to see you weren't there." He replies.

"I'm so sorry Commodore, I forgot"

"That's alright," he smiles. "I have a very important question to ask you, Miss Waters"

He takes my hand and leads me out towards the docks. I gulp. He is a fine man. Marrying him would be a perfect match but I long for adventure and the Commodore would fail to provide that.

"Now, Miss Waters, I've known you for so long," He says. We start to walk along the dock, his sweaty hand in mine. "I must marry a fine woman." He turns to me. "You have become a fine woman indeed, Miss Waters."

I know where this is going and look away. I get uncomfortable when people call me 'Miss'. Suddenly, I see something move in the corner of my eye. I look out towards the ocean and see a ship with black sails disappear behind a cliff.

"Commodore!" I say alarmed, "Did you see that?"

He looks towards the direction I point at but by then, the ship has gone.

"I don't see anything, Miss Waters. Now, what was I saying?"

I am pretty sure I saw something. I know I wasn't imagining it. I continue to stare at the cliff, as if the ship would emerge again. The Commodore starts to drone on, the mysterious ship distracting me from all he is saying. 

"Miss Waters, is there something wrong?" He says.

I turn back to him. "No. Nothing's wrong" I say with a forced smile.

He continues to talk while I think about the ship. Black sails - I've never seen such a ship, but I have heard of one. A ship with black sails, a ship preying on ports and settlements for ten years, a ship crewed by the damned. I instantly know what ship it is.

"Commodore! Pira-" there is a sudden boom as the front of the dock smashes to pieces. Wooden planks fly in all directions.The air becomes filled with earsplitting screams as the ship with black sails comes back into view, firing cannons at the town.

I look at the Commodore in horror.

"Get back to the manor!" He yells at me over the noise.

I bolt down the streets. Everywhere I look, I see buildings on fire and pirates running around attacking townspeople. The town is in total chaos. By my side, windows are smashing and guns are being fired, followed by clashing of swords and screams of panic.  

I run towards my home when a blast a few metres away knocks me out. As the world around me starts to blur, a pirate stands in front of me; a pirate with dreadlocks hanging over his shoulders and a long coat reaching his knees. A long sword is clutched tightly with his right hand and a pistol in the other. He is the last thing I see and then, the world turns black.

Captain Jack Sparow and I: A Pirates of the Caribbean FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now