Chapter 4: Captain Turner

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Chapter 4: Captain Turner

An icy cold rush of water splashes over me. I wake up with a jolt. Did I pass out again? I'm freezing cold and soaking wet. I see Gibbs standing in front of me, an empty bucket clutched tightly in his hands. I feel the cold hard ground below me and look around. I'm lying on the now wet floor in the corner of the pub. My whole body aches and I feel weak. A throbbing pain occurs in my head where the bottle hit and as I touch the sore spot with my hand, I notice bandages wrapped tightly around the top of my head.

"What was that for?" I say to Gibbs angrily. The icy water poured over my face reaches the insides of my clothes making me uncomfortable. 

"Only way to get you to wake up," he says. My legs cold and shaking, I muster my energy and struggle to stand up.

At that moment, Jack runs over, clutching a rolled up map tightly in his hands. He takes one look at me then drops the map and takes of his coat. Gently, he places it over me.

"What's this for?" I say to him, pushing his coat away. I won't accept charity from a pirate.

"You're cold aren't you?" He says offended. "Now will you let me help you?"

I am indeed freezing cold and pirate or not, I really need warmth. I let Jack place his coat around me and immediately feel better. His warm touch on my skin is quite comforting too, but I shake the feeling off.

"Thanks," I say apathetically. I really don't understand what inspired this random act of kindess from Jack, but one kind action does not absolve a man from a lifetime of sins. 

I grasp the coat tightly around my shivering body. Jack grins and picks up his map. He walks out of the pub and Gibbs and I follow. I shield my eyes from the blinding light from the sun. We had exited the pub to find that it is morning in Tortuga.

"I recruited crew members while you were sleeping. They should be at the Black Pearl now" Jack says to me. I hardly pay attention to anything he's saying as I gaze at the town of Tortuga in the light. Tortuga in the morning seems quieter than Tortuga at night. Maybe it's the fact that there are a lot less people drunk or the cleaning up from last night's mess. Or maybe it's the fact that Royal Navy officers are scanning the area, running around as if they're searching for someone. Wait, what are officers doing at Tortuga?

An officer looks in our direction. "There they are!" He calls out. Immediately, all the officers turn and start to run in our direction.

"Jack!" I call to him alarmed.

The grin leaves his face and his eyes widen. "Time to go" he says as we break into a run.

We bolt towards he docks as dozens of uniformed officers bolt after us. We run to the direction our ship should be. I stop immediately in my tracks. These officers will certainly bring me home easily. A part of me tells me to go with them but a part of me tells me to run. It's as if my mind isn't in control of my body because I automatically continue to run.

I follow Jack and Gibbs closer to the docks. My legs get weaker every step and I struggle for breath.

Suddenly, I can't breathe. I feel like I'm suffocating. I realise I can't run any further and I fall to my knees, coughing hard. The world starts to blur around me but I fight it. I can't let myself pass out again, not now.

Jack looks back and stops. He turns to me and rushes to my aid. 

He drops to his knees and frantically  searches his pockets. He pulls out a knife and, as if he's done it before, he tears off my corset and throws it aside. 

I gasp for breath. I take in large amounts of air at a time, my chest rising heavily with every intake. Jack helps me up and we start to run again.

Captain Jack Sparow and I: A Pirates of the Caribbean FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now