Chapter 2: The Black Pearl

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Chapter 2: Aboard the Black Pearl

I wake up with a start and sit up. The vase beside my bed must've shattered and woke me up.

It seems as if I am in a small room dimly lit by candlelight. Where am I? As my eyes start to adjust, I notice there is a table with charts on top and a long dining table with a bushel of fresh apples. There is also a glass window with no light shining through. I can tell it's night. At the end of the room, laying on an armchair, is a sword.

"You're finally awake"

I hear a voice and turn to its direction, surprised. Standing in front of me is a man. He has dark dreadlocks hanging over his shoulder and an irritating smile across his face. I've seen him before but I can't recall when. He takes a few steps closer to me and his face comes into the candlelight.  

"I know you," I say to him. "You're the one they're looking for. I see your face on wanted posters all over town. You're Jack Sparrow."

"Captain," he says with an annoyed look on his face. "Captain Jack Sparrow."

I look at him in disgust. "Where am I?" I ask.

 "You're on the Black Pearl, love. This is the Captain's quarters"

The Black Pearl, I think. The ship with black sails. The ship that attacked Port Royal. The ship that wasn't supposed to exist. My eyes widen. 

"What do you want from me?" I ask horrified.

"You have something I want," Jack says.

I have no idea what he is talking about and I have nothing of value with me at the moment. I give him a puzzled look.  

"I have nothing you want. I am not carrying any sort of treasure like gold or diamonds. Now, take me back home." I say with sternly.

He chuckles, "Not all treasure is silver and gold, love." I look at him confused while he picks up a bottle of rum and takes a swig. "Now, what is your name?"

"Catherine...Turner" I have no idea why I lied about my last name but I think it would be safer if this pirate didn't know. He looks at me thoughtfully.

"Turner, eh? No doubt any relation to William Turner?" he says looking interested. Clearly there is something important about this 'Turner'.

"Uh, yes. I am his sister" I don't know why I keep lying but somehow I feel like I should.

"Oh. He never mentioned having a sister." Jack says, eyeing me suspiciously.

"Well, we were separated"

"Well, surely you'd like to see your brother. We're on our way to meet him. Guess we won't take you back to Port Royal after all" he says while taking another swig of rum.

"What?" I say. It's only been five minutes and I already hate Jack's guts.         

I take a quick glance at the sword laying on the armchair. A thought comes to my mind. I wait until he isn't looking and grab it by the handle and point it at his neck.

Jack looks at the sword and chuckles. "You think it wise? To cross blades with a pirate?" He says to me.

"Don't think I don't know how to handle a sword, Captain Sparrow. I practise three hours a day." I lie to him. Immediately, he pulls out a sword from his sheath and knocks my sword out of my hand, making a sharp ring sound. Then he points his sword at my neck. I look back at my sword nervously, now out of my reach.

"Do you now?" He smiles.

I imitate his smile mockingly. This pirate seems smart and cunning. If I want to get back home I have to think of a plan. Desperately, I look around to find a possible weapon. Lying on the table is a pistol. If only I can get closer to it.

"What sort of treasure do you think I have, Captain Sparrow?" I say trying to distract him while I slowly approach the gun.

"You know something no one else knows, Cathy." Jack says with his sword still pointed at my neck.

I finally get close enough to the pistol. Immediately, I turn around, grab it and aim it at his forehead. I may not know how to swordfight but I am pretty sure I know how a gun works. 

"Now, will you take me back?" I ask, the gun still aimed at Jack's head.

He laughs. "You and I are much alike, you know?"

I look at him in disbelief. "I am not like you, you filthy pirate."

"There is no denying it. There's pirate in your blood, Miss Turner," he says. I bring the gun closer to his head.

"Take me back or I'll shoot," I say. Jack doesn't move at all.

"You won't shoot me," he says with a grin. "You need me to take you to where you want to go and I need you to take me to where I want to go. So there be no sense in killing me yet."

I take a moment to think about what he said. He's right. I just have to listen to everything he says and he'll take me home. I just hope I can accept taking orders from a pirate.

I lower my gun. "Where is it you want me to take you then, Captain Sparrow?" I say.

"Whitewater Bay," Jack answers.

I look at him confused. I've never been to Whitewater Bay. I haven't even heard of Whitewater Bay. How would I be able to find it if I don't even know such a place exists? Then again, Jack Sparrow thinks I'm someone else. I told him I'm related to William Turner. Maybe he thinks I am supposed to know where this place is because I'm related to William Turner. But if that's true, why did he kidnap me? He kidnapped me before I told him my fake name. All this thinking makes my head hurt.

I think about it for a moment. Jack thinks I know where this 'Whitewater Bay' is. If I find it for him he will take me back home. Ok, that will be my plan. Find the bay, get back home. I lower the pistol.

"Ok Jack, I will find Whitewater Bay for you. You will take me back to Port Royal. Deal?" I hold out an outstretched hand.

He shakes my hand. "Deal"

I can't believe it. I have made a deal with a pirate. That is something I never thought I would do.

Jack walks out of the room and I follow him, all the while thinking about what I've just done. As I walk out the door, I find myself standing on the deck of a beautiful ship. The black sails hang overhead along with the Jolly Roger. It is truly a magnificent vessel. So this must be the Black Pearl up close, I think to myself.

I notice that Jack is leaning on the side of the ship and gazing out to the horizon. I walk over to him and gaze into the horizon too.

With the moon shining bright in the sky and reflecting on the water, the ocean looks incredibly beautiful. Watching the water from my bedroom window is nothing compared to the open sea.

"Jack, why did you decide to be a pirate?" I ask him. I have never understood why people choose the criminal life of piracy.

"Love, do you ever wish to escape it all? To not have people telling you what to do? How to act? What to think?" He pulls out a bottle of rum and takes a swig. "I never wanted to live that way. That's why I chose the life of piracy, Cathy, because it comes with freedom."

For a minute, i think about what he just said. My life is full of people who tell me how to live. My whole life has been planned out from beginning to end.

Jack offers me a bottle of rum which I gladly accept. He wraps his arm around my shoulder and strokes my hair. I strongly oppse for this pirate to be touching me, but I need him to take me home. The best I could do is to try to act friendly.

And for the rest of the night, we stand there, gazing out into the ocean until morning comes.

Captain Jack Sparow and I: A Pirates of the Caribbean FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now