Chapter 15: Filthy Pirate

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With the guard knocked out, Jack and I exchange a quick glance and immediately understand what we had to do. We charge into opposite sides of the brig, using Jack's 'leverage' technique to free the rest of our crew.

"Off your lazy asses," I call out to the men, nudging their sides with the heel of my boots to wake them up. "Gentlemen, we're taking the ship!" I announce with confidence.

They scramble to their feet and pull apart the low ceiling of their jails, grasping for whatever wooden or metal plank that can be used to knock out a member of the Royal Guard.
A fully fledged battle between pirates and naval officers erupt on deck, the fallen soldiers providing our crew with the swords we need, and in the midst of the chaos, I run to Jack's side. He makes his way to the steering wheel of the ship in order to gain control, swinging his sword at the officers in his way. In swift but sloppy movements, Jack gains hold of the steering wheel by shoving aside the officer who was previously manning the ship, causing the uniformed gentleman to tumble overboard and into the indigo abyss.

As the ship rocks side to side to the rhythm of the ocean, I turn to Jack, and I look at him. I gaze at him, and he notices but he pretends not to, yet I still watch him, study his features, and finally, I do what I've been longing to do ever since that day in Tortuga.

It all happens so fast. I place both my hands on the sides of his face and pull him in for a violent kiss, and he kisses me back in the way he always wanted to since that day in the Land of the Dead. I pull away and a grin forms of Jack's smug face. "How long have you been thinking of doing that, love?" He teases. I roll my eyes and shake my head at him.
"Ugh, you filthy pirate," I reply, flirtatiously. 

Captain Jack Sparow and I: A Pirates of the Caribbean FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now