Chapter 5: The Blank Map

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Chapter 5: the Blank Map

I wake up the next morning to find myself lying on a hammock swinging left and right. I feel the rough material on my skin and look around. The room is dark with faint rays of light shining through gaps of the deck above. Barnacles and seashells are layered along the walls and parts of the floor. I sit up straight and feel the room rock left and right on the water. I lift some seaweed of my leg as I stand up from the hammock and make my way up the stairs.

I think about what I felt last night. I shake the feeling off.

When I reach the top of the stairs onto the deck of the ship, I see the morning sun hovering above the horizon, reflecting itself on the surface of the water.

I look up to the left and see Jack looking through a spyglass at the horizon. Captain Turner is standing beside him along with Bootstrap, speaking inaudibly to each other.

Jack lowers his spyglass and sees me. He runs down the steps in my direction, leaving Captain Turner and his father talking.

"I guess you're wondering why we kidnapped you" Jack says. "You have the right to know." I look at him and nod slowly. I know it's because I have to find Whitewater Bay but that can't be the whole story.

He leads me to the edge of the ship and looks down at the water.

"What's so important about this 'Whitewater Bay' to you anyway?" I ask him. He laughs softly to himself, still staring at the water.

"Whitewater Bay is the fabled island. That's where the treasure we seek for is located. That's where the treasure every pirate wants is" Jack says.

"What sort of treasure?" I ask him.

"Not the sort of treasure that comes in silver and gold, love. This treasure is different. This treasure has some sort of magic to it..."

I look at him confused,

"...the Semper Stone"

I gasp softly and look away. There's that word again, 'Semper'. Jack notices my reaction and smiles.

"Heard of it, have you?" He says looking at me.

"I ... I don't know" I say. It seems like that word is just implanted in my mind. I have no idea how I know it or how I came to knowing it. I just know.

"Thought you wouldn't. There's a prophecy, you know? Surely you don't believe in the supernatural?"

I look at him confused. Prophecy?First immortality now prophecy? This is ridiculous.

"There is a prophecy," he continues to say. "The way to the bay is unknown, except to one who was born knowing."

I look at him confused. What could that possibly mean? How does this prophecy have anything to do with me?

"I don't know what you're playing at, Jack. How does this have anything to do with me?" I ask him.

"You know where Whitewater Bay is, love. You just don't know you know it" Jack answers.

I take a few seconds to think about what he said. "I don't know where the bay is, Jack."

"You know what the Semper Stone is though"

"I ... No I don't" I say

"Yes you do. You don't know that you know. One day, it will come to you. It's buried deep in your mind" Jack says, pointing his finger on my forehead. I push it away.

"I don't know what you mean" I say.

"Buried deep in your mind is the map. You know the map to Whitewater Bay. You probably know the word Semper"

"How did you-"

"'Course you do. It is a female who knows the way. You were born knowing that word, love. Semper is the name of the stone we want to retrieve." Jack says, smiling at me.

That explains why I know the word Semper. But I don't know anything else about Whitewater Bay. I have no idea how to get there. How do I guide them if I don't know where it is? I breathe out deeply, trying to take this all in. Is he saying I'm the only one born knowing where this island is? It was foretold that someone like me would be born. There is even a prophecy about me.

"The Semper Stone?" I ask him.

"Yes, love. The Stone grants immortality to those who own it. I can just imagine, sailing the seas forever" Jack says, taking another swig of rum.


"Aye, immortality" he says

"That sounds pretty good. I'll find the Bay for you and we'll share the stone. Immortality for both of us." I say. Jack looks at me with hesitation then agrees.

"You don't want to go back home to Port Royal anymore?" He asks.

I pause for a minute, take a deep breath, and say "yes".

For a while, we stand there, leaning on the railing on the edge of the ship, talking. We gaze at the horizon, talking about anything, really. We talk about Jack's adventures and his relations with Captain Turner. He tells me about his dealings with a pirate named Davy Jones, and how tentacley his face was. Jack speaks of Captain Turner's duty on the Flying Dutchman and how he's immortal. He speaks of the love Captain Turner shares with Elizabeth, who I find out was also kidnapped by the crew of the Black Pearl.

"Jack," I say to him as the sky gets darker, "what do you want to do once you become immortal?"

"Sail the seas forever, love. With rum by my side too" He says. He looks at his empty bottle of rum and frowns.

"How do you expect me to guide you to Whitewater Bay if I don't know how to get there myself?" I ask him.

"The route will come to you once you see these" He says as he holds up the rolled up map in his hand.

"What are those for?" I ask him

"These maps will show you the way." Jack says to me. I look at him in curiosity and he hands the rolled up map in my hands.

"I'll give you a few hours" he says and he runs away to the other end of the ship.

I stand there dumbfounded, holding the map in my hands. What does he expect me to do? I look at the map in my hands. I look around but no one else was there on the deck of the ship. Whatever is in this map is what Jack believes to be the route to the bay.

I sit on a wooden chair nearby in front of a table. I lay the map flat on the surface and gasp. I stare at the map in shock and confusion. The map is nothing but a white, blank piece of parchment. What's going on? Jack gave me a blank map.

I continue to stare at it in disbelief. What does Jack expect me to do with a blank map?

I feel the bumpy surface of the map. Suddenly, I feel a surge of energy from my fingertips. It travels up my arm and causes me to jolt. I feel different. I feel like I understand what I am supposed to do now.

I pull out a quill from my pocket and dip it in some nearby ink. A few drops of black ink drips from the tip of the quill and onto the map. The parchment absorbs the ink. I dip my quill into the ink bottle again and hover it about the map for a few seconds. Immediately, my hand is tugged towards the paper. I can't pull my hand away. It feels like my hand has a mind of its own because it starts to draw.

I watch my hand in shock as it traces the paper with the quill, drawing confusing circles all over the map. The ink circles cross over each other as more markings form on the corners and edges of the map. With every stroke my hand makes, a new marking forms.

Suddenly, my hand stops moving. The quill drops out of my hand and rolls to the floor. I glare at the finished work before my eyes. The map is no longer blank but a parchment filled with exact circles covering the surface lined with unfamiliar words.

"Jack!" I call out, gazing at the completed parchment.

I hear footsteps rushing in my direction.

"What is it?" Jack asks

"I think I just drew the map to Whitewater Bay"

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