Back To Town

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Aphmau POV

            "Aphmau~Senpai! Katelyn~Sama! Cookies are ready!" Kawaii~Chan yelled from downstairs.
             "Coming," I yelled back. I rushed downstairs and the smell got bigger.
               "Where is Katelyn~Sama?" Kawaii~Chan asked
           "Oh she's just stressed out because of yesterday," I began eating the cookies.
         "Umm Kawaii~Chan asks what did happen yesterday?"
            "You don't want to know," I smiled.


               "Katelyn?" I called
         "What......." She whined
             "Are you okay," I asked
      "Maybe!" She groaned
    "Uggh fineee," I growled and heard my phone vibrate in my pocket. It was a text from Aaron! I missed him. He has been in FalconClaw City for seems like forever!
               *Text Starts*
      (Aa-Aaron A-Aphmau)

Aa- Hey Aph
A- Aaron? Long time no see u, I miss u!
Aa- Heh, same but I have a Suprise for u
A- What is it?
Aa- I'm coming back to town!
Aa- Actually right now......could u pick me up?
A- On my way!

            *Text End*

OMG! I'm so excited. My best friend is coming back! I rushed downstairs as quick as I could. Katelyn and Kawaii~Chan looked at me with their eyes widen.
                    "What kind of bug bit you?" Katelyn asked
               "What," I questioned
      "You look like your in heaven," Katelyn said
     "Oh, Aaron is back to town!" I smiled
   "OMI KAWAII~CHAN CANNOT BELIEVE THIS!!! Aarmau isn't dead after all!!!" Kawaii~Chan jumped up and down.
                  "Right..........." Katelyn slowly got away from Kawaii~Chan.
         "Well bye guys!" I smiled nervously.

Aaron POV

           I finished going through the huge line from the plane. Now I just wait for Aph to meet me. I missed her so much. I actually have feelings for her, but I don't think she will except it....

      "Aaron?" I heard Aphmau call for me.
    "Aphmau!" I smiled. She smiled back, it melted my heart. I embraced her into a warm hug. Butterflies warmed in my stomach.
                 "I'm so happy to see you," a tear drop from her eye.
                     "Hey, hey Aph, it's fine. I'm here now!" I wiped her tear
        "Well let me help you with unpacking," She said
         "Really?" I smiled
        "Of course, that's what friends are for," She took one of my bags.
            "Right..........friends," I muttered under my breath, it looked like she didn't heard it.
Aphmau POV

      I helped Aaron to unpack his stuff, in his house he use to live in like 2 years ago.....

"Looks weird to be back," Aaron chuckled.
             "Yep  just 3 years ago we ended school and I remember how we use to do homework together," I smiled
              "Right and Garroth use to help us too," he replied.
               "Sure he did," I smiled
       "So how was FalconClaw," I sat on the couch next to him
          "Uhh pretty good, there was this girl named Lily--" Aaron stopped.
               "W-What's wrong?" I asked moving closer to him "Did something happened?" I asked.
Aaron POV

       Darn it! Why did I told her about Lily? Ugh that stupid little girl. I remember the day she cheated on me.
               "I-It's nothing, Aphmau......So how was Pheonix Drop?" I smiled nervously
               "Aaron....." She putted her hand on my shoulder.  "What happened,"
              "She was a slut that's what happened," I groaned.
                "Oh...." Her face frowned
          "Hey, Aphmau," I brushed her cheek "It's okay,"
              "Heh, I'm glad your feeling  better since your back to Pheonix Drop," She smiled.
             "Because you make me happy," I gazed into her eyes, she gazed back. I leaned in close and our lips were about to touch until...........




              Ha! A cliffhanger! This is going to continue in next chapter XD
              I hope u guys enjoying a story so far! Yep it's also Aarmau! <3
             Bai! Take care <3

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