A Spark Of Life

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Aphmau POV

I couldn't speak. But I really wanted to know what's going on....

What happened is that Zane dragged me out of the car. I tried to let go but he was too strong for me..

He took me to the basement of the house..I'm so scared....Irene help me! He placed me on the chair and tied me. He then ripped off the tape and I could talk again.

"Zane! Why are we here! What's going on!?" I panicked

"Shhh....Aphmau it will be okay," Zane said but not to calm me down...

I then saw a shadowy figure behind Zane..then when it came to my vision....it was Lord Garte..

"Heh...Aphmau Pheonix, wow haven't seen you in ages," Garte smirked

"I was here almost a week ago," I rolled my eyes

"Well look who opened her mouth, don't correct me child! I was talking to you as Pheonix," Garte replied

"Why am I here? Why am I tied up? Why am I---

"Too many questions!" Garte snapped cutting me off "Well you see, you ruined all my plans...And I have to get rid of you,"

"What do you mean?! I haven't done anything to you!" I yelled

"You have, you have," Garte rolled his eyes

"What..." I said

"Heh...who do you think murdered your father...?" Garte asked

"I-It was a c-car accident..." I muttered

"Wrong," Garte smirked. He moved closer and said "I did it,"

I remained silent...then screamed

"WHY.....WHY DID YOU DO THAT! WHAT DID WE DO?!" I cried as tears rolled down my cheek

"To get more power! Pheonix family are even more powerful than Ro'meaves, Aphmau...heh you didn't know that, but...because of you! We didn't get the power. We just killed your father. It wasn't that fun and not what I wanted," Garte explained

I remained silent once again. Tears and more tears rolled down my cheeks..

"Now...if we kill you, we would get what we want!" Garte smirked.

Garroth POV

"Well?" I Asked walking around the room

"Found him!" Vylad smiled and then it turned upside down "he's in....our house,"

"We have to go, now!" I said

Aphmau POV

I saw then Garte. He was walking around with a sword. My heart beating faster every minute to hope for someone to save me...

"This would be very easy....and it wouldn't be fun," Garte rolled his eyes "What about.....Zane?"

"Yeah," Zane muttered

"Would you like to kill Aphmau, yourself?" Garte smirked

My heart skipped a beat....my friend will kill me..? I don't even know if I should call Zane my friend anymore....he's a jerk, and a traitor!

"Uh...I-I...okay," Zane said

"Good," Garte smirked

Zane took a sword and walker closer to me..

"Zane....I thought you were my friend..." I sobbed

He remained silent and raised his sword..I heard footsteps coming this way...the door smashed open and I saw Garroth and Vylad there.

"ZANE NO!" Garroth yelled

It was too late...I felt a stab in my heart...at first everything was slow motion...then there's light..wait...light?

I moved myself out of the chair and felt my wings behind my back...and a white sword in my hand..my clothes changed into a long white dress with a blue hoodie and gold design..

I was alive. I felt a lot of energy in me

"N-No it can't be...." Garte muttered "She can't be her,"

"W-What," I panicked

"Aphmau! Your alive," Vylad smiled

"Aphmau! I thought I would never see you again...." Garroth wiped a tear

"......Aphmau...I," Zane cried

"Zane," I turned around

"....I-I'm so sorry! I didn't want to do this!" He cried

"Zane it's okay!" I whispered

"NO, ITS NOT.....I-I killed you....almost,"Zane said dropping to the ground

"B-But I'm okay....I don't know how," I replied

"But it's all my fault," Zane said

"Let's go home..." Vylad replied

"Agreed," Garroth added

My wings disappeared as well as my dress and sword. Everything turned back to normal...what is wrong with me..?

"Father...I can't believe what you were trying to do," Garroth said before leaving

"Grrr it's all because of you! You all!!" Garte groaned

Without a word. We left and went outside...we saw Zianna in the garden as we passed it.

"Mom, are you okay?" Garroth asked

"Yes, I am don't worry," Zianna smiled nervously

"It's father isn't it...?" Zane muttered

"I'm sorry Zane....but yes...its true...he changed. It's not the Garte I know," Zianna teared up "Aphmau...are you okay?"

"Yes I am thank you," I said

Zianna hugged us and we all left to our hotel...it was our last day so we packed up...heh good bye O'hkasis....welcome back Pheonix Drop..

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