City Of O'hkasis

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Aphmau POV

I slowly woke up. At first I forgot where I was, oh that's right. I'm on the plane.

"Good morning," Garroth whispered in my ear. Huh what? I turned my head and realized what happened

"OH! Garroth I'm so sorry!" I blushed getting my head off his shoulder

"Heh, it's fine, really," Garroth blushed

"AW, COME ON!" A voice could be heard across from me. They mumbled something I think it was "why doesn't Garmau sail already," ....I'm so confused

It passed 2 hours and we were ready to land. I looked out the window, I could see high buildings and land. We started to fly down and then we landed. It was good, safe landing thank Irene.

The airport in O'hkasis looks really beautiful and more busy than in Pheonix Drop.

"Garroth Ro'meave!" Voices could be heard around us

"Ugh why you Garroth?!Zane groaned

"Because they call me, Prince Charming," Garroth smirked

"Argh," Zane rolled his eyes.

"Hehe, so where are we going?" I smiled

"I think father got his men to drive us to the hotel," Vylad replied

"We'll be staying in the hotel, wow have you been in one before?" I asked

"Yup," Vylad exclaimed

When we got our belongings and got to the exit. We saw fancy limousine, some men in suits opened a door for us to sit. This is so fun!

Wait I almost forgot, I have to tell Garroth and Vylad that we are going to Pheonix College.

"Um, Garroth, Vylad?" I asked

"Huh," Zane said

"Yeah," Garroth replied

"Well, Katelyn signed us to Pheonix College and we passed," I explained

"Really?" Vylad smiled

"Cool. I actually need to educate on the lordship," Garroth said

"What about me..." Zane groaned

"Oh sorry Zane, Katelyn didn't signed you," I replied sadly

"Ugh whatever," Zane rolled his eyes

When we got to the hotel Garroth, Zane, Vylad got one room and I got mine. Our rooms were connected through the balcony. I explored the room. It had queen bed with a TV, Kitchen, Closet and a small living room and of course the bathroom.

I unpacked my stuff and organized it in drawers and closets. I took a shower and used my new body wash that me and Cadenza brought. I also used my caramel, chocolate shampoo. I brushed my teeth and put some makeup on. I also used my hair dryer to dry my hair.

I then put my pink and purple shirt on and black leggings. We are going to dinner later tonight so I will change later today. I hear a knock on the door so I go and answer it. It was Garroth

"Hey Aph," he smiled

"Hi," I smiled back

"So, do you like it here," Garroth asked

"It's so beautiful thank you for inviting me," I say

"No, thank you for coming with us," Garroth blushed "let's go I'll show you around O'hkasis,"

"Sure," I followed him

We were walking down the O'hkasis streets and stopped near Ice Cream store.

"Hey, want one?" Garroth smiled

"Yup," I exclaimed

"What flavor?" He asked

I smirked "You have to guess it,"

"B-But Aphmau, w-what if---



Later Garroth returned with 2 ice creams. One is Chocolate and another one is Strawberry Vanilla.

"Here, I hope it's this one," Garroth handed me Vanilla Strawberry Ice Cream.

"Garroth how did you know," I gasped

"Yes! I knew it. Well I thought why not try both flavors and I knew you liked Strawberry so I thought of the ice cream," he explained

"Hehe, thank you," I licked my ice cream

"Hmm let me try it?" Garroth chuckled

"Heheh, I'll try yours and you will try mine," I smiled

We licked our different ice cream mmm chocolate tastes pretty good!

"Hey Aphmau?" Garroth chuckled

"What?" I asked confused at what he's laughing at.

"You got something on your nose," He smiled

I wiped it off "did I get it?"

"Heh no here let me help," Garroth wiped the ice cream off my nose. Our faces were inches apart.. But eventually we separate.

"Here you go, actually Strawberry Vanilla tastes amazing," Garroth handed me back my ice cream

"Same as chocolate

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