Chapter Four: Into The Town Of Hate

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*(Y/N)'s POV*

Waking up in the morning with sun shining bright, I look over at Fire as he's still sleeping. I crawl out of bed to stretch out a bit as he slowly wakes up. "Good morning Fire." "Good morning (Y/N), did you sleep well?" "I did." I smiled at Fire as he got up and went to make breakfast. 'It's strange that I'm here with Fire, but how come I'm not at home?' I thought while looking outside to see a spring down below Fires home. 'What a perfect placement that was, maybe later on I could relax in it.' "(Y/N), breakfast is ready." Fire called to me. Going down quickly, we ate in a comfortable silence and made small talk every once in a while. "Fire, could you tell me why I had to stay here? I'd figured I'd be home now." I questioned Fire only to get a grim look. "(Y/N), I don't know if it would be best to tell yoy now." "Tell me what?" "... Your home is gone... and your family dead... I'm sorry, but I-" "Wh-What d-do you me-mean! That ca-can't be! Ho-How, tell m-me!" I started to cry at the thought of my home and family gone as Fire hugged me. "I burnt down your home by my anger... but for your mother no, your father killed her in cold blood, he was planning on killing you next... and I couldn't stand for it anymore, so... I burnt it to the ground, with your father in it." Fire said in sorrowful eyes. 'No, no it can't be. My own father, my own flesh and blood, killing a family member... and planning on killing me next..." "Why... why did he do it?" "He did it out of jealousy and hate. He was always a corrupted man, only wanting power to rule over everyone. That's why people hate me, because of his lies about me killing innocent people in cold blood. Everyone thinks I'm a monster... other then you that is, you still care about me even if I'm like this..." He said softly as he strokes my head, trying to comfort me. Looking at Fire a hug him tightly. "Fire, you're no monster, you're just a misunderstood person that everyone never could understand. But I understand you, never forget that." I sniffle a little as I smile at him. Fire smiles back as he grabs my hand. "Thank you, (Y/N), for being my friend." "No problem Fire." Laying my head on his shoulder for what seemed hours to no end.


After many hours of just talking about random stuff and laying around the house, I thought of an idea. "Fire, can we go to town? I want to get something important." "I don't know about that, I rather not get noticed by the towns people." "Come on Fire, just for a few minutes, it'll be quick, please." I gave Fire the puppy eyes and he just groaned. "Fine, but only a little bit, I'll wear a cloak to hid in. The people there aren't very fond of me." "Thank you, now come on, lets get going." I dragged Fire out of the house when he got his cloak on and ran to town. Once reaching town we headed to the little bakery near by. "Really? What's so important this bakery?" "What? I wanted to get some sweets, I could get you some too." "I'm not into sweets that much." Fire said as he looked around carefully. "Are you sure? Come on, there's at least something you might want?" I questioned as Fire sighed in frustration. Realizing that he wasn't going to answer I grabbed some cookies and tried to pay, but only got a glare. "Who do you think you are, thinking you can just walk in and bring that thing in here." "What's wrong with my friend and he isn't a thing, he's a living human being like us." "Anyone with powers doesn't count as a human, they count as monsters. Nothing more, nothing less. Now get out before I make you." I backed up in fear of the owner as Fire came in front of me. "I would advise you to not threaten my friend." "I don't see how she's your friend. I think you're just forcing her to follow you around. What you take her from her family? You the one that burnt down that house near the edge of the forest, (f/n) said someone tried to kill him." Fire growled at the owner as he raced to the door for help. "F-Fire, you said that my father was dead? How is he alive?" "He must of escaped before the house burnt down... I've had enough of this, we're leaving at once. This is the reason why I didn't want to come, now you're going to be hated too." Fire grabbed me, pulling me out of the bakery only to see a group of people in front of us. "It is him, the monster that got (m/n) killed and almost got (f/n) killed too. He even got there own daughter on his side. I knew that she was trouble." A man yelled as people agreed with him. 'What's going on? How did my father get everyone against us so fast.' "GET THEM!" In a blind panic Fire picked me up and ran as fast as he could away from the people. "FIRE, WHATS GOING ON WITH THEM?" "YOUR FATHER GOT TO THEM AND LIED ABOUT ME KILLING. YOUR FATHER HAS DONE THIS BEFORE IN THE PAST, BUT NEVER THIS BAD." Fire yelled as he kept running until we got deep into the forest were we couldn't hear the people anymore. I held onto him as we reached home, set me down gently. "I'm sorry for this happening to you, I never meant for this to happen." "Fire, you don't ha-" I was silenced as he hugged me. Slowly I hugged back as he continued. Soon I started to feel light headed and fell unconscious in his arms.

A/N: I know, short chapter and haven't updated in a while. I just been having some problems at home. Anyway, here's this chapter, I hope you like. If not then I'm sorry for making it boring for you. I'm trying to do my best at writing stories now. Again, I'm sorry for letting you people wait for so long for me to update. 😔

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