Chapter Thirteen: Day Of A New Life

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*Timeskip Two Days*
*Fire's POV*

Two days... its been two days since (Y/N) died and I felt cold inside. Ice says it's his fault because he thought it would be a wonderful idea to come to the beach, but I could never blame him... I just couldn't. I cried ever since the accident as Ice tried to calm me down, which would fail. Now here I am, getting ready to bury her by the willow tree near our home, with Ice by my side. Looking at her body my heart hurt, her pale skin was white as snow against the black dress I put on her and along with her (h/c) hair was fading away. 'I'm sorry I couldn't do anything to save you...' I sigh as Ice helped be dig her grave. Once the hole was made and (Y/N) was put into the ground I said my last goodbye to her before burying her. Looking at the covered grave I start to a cry as Ice holds me. "Fire... I know that this happened, but you must stay strong for (Y/N). She wouldn't want you to be like this..." "I know, but I loved her to much to see her go." I cried out.

*(Y/N)'s POV*

After dieing I felt sad seeing Fire cry over me. I try to hold him, but my arms went through his body. 'Fire...' I whisper his name to not be heard. Looking towards the sky I sigh before taking off. Going above the clouds I spot a man similar to Fire and Ice, but with white hair. "Its about time you got here, I've been expecting you." "Who are you?" "My name is Light. And yes I'm the third eldest of all my brothers." "Wait, I thought Fire only had one brother? Are Fire and Ice the eldest?" "No, no. Ice is the second youngest while Fire is the youngest of us all. You haven't met the others, which are in another dimension. Anyway, I'm giving you a choice here between life and death." Light said with a smile. "But I'm already dead?" "Yes, you maybe dead, but you can be brought back to life... the only problem is that you won't be human if you do so." "What do you mean that I won't be human? Am I going to become a demon?" "WHAT! NO- what I mean is that you'll become an angel. If you were meant to be a demon, you'd be in hell." "I guess you're right... but why am I being given a choice?" "It's for the sake of Fire, by doing so Fire won't snap and lose hope in life. Ice maybe his brother, but he mostly only helps himself. Ice was trying to get to you and was hoping that Fire would die only for you to be the victim. He wanted you from the day he first met you, he couldn't do anything because of Fire." Light sighed as he looked below us at the sight of Fire still crying over my grave. "Once a person is dead they can never come back, unless they become an angel or demon. So I'm giving you this option, to be an angel and serve under God or to remain dead while watching Fire up here. He will let you see Fire whenever you want to, but you will also have a job. For your sake he'll probably make you a graudain angel, watching over whomever is chosen by him... would you be willing to do so for the sake of Fire?" Light questioned me as I look at Fire and then back at Light. "If it's for Fire, I will do so." "Then it's settled, at midnight you will be an angel, given a job under God you will understand our rules of life." He said proudly as he takes my hand. "Now, we must see God at once. He is the only one that can change you, after that has happened I will explain the rules to you. I will also explain how your job works depending on what he assigns you." "Okay, but what if I don't become a graudain angel? Would that mean I won't be able to see Fire then?" "Well you'll be allowed to see him, but he can't see you. That the only problem, the rules have changed over many centuries, but this one changed everything. All angels were allowed to see there loved ones until Violet came and ruined it." "How did she do that?" "She refused her job, calling it a waste of time and left for her family, which made God grow anger at her. After five days, God had enough of the girl and sent her to hell, he then brought up a rule where only guardian angels and messengers were allowed. It was to make sure no other angel would disobey Gods order. It made a few angels angry, but obeyed his rule and everyone that wasn't a messenger or graudain said there last goodbyes before leaving. That was over 50 years ago and God still wants to wait a few more years before changing it back." "That sounds sad to hear, hopefully I become a graudain then. I don't want to wait years to see Fire again." I said as I start to worry. "Do not worry (Y/N), you still have to keep your hopes up. Now, let's get going so you can have your job." Light said to lighten the mood up a little as he dragged me down some marble corridors.

*Fire's POV*

It was already dark out as I lay in my bed. Ice left sometime ago for a reason he never told me. In all this sadness I felt alone without (Y/N) here by my side, missing her smile and laugh that always brightened my day... now it's gone. Staring out my window the stars shown brighter then the normally do which surprised me. 'I miss you (Y/N)... I hope you're okay up there, being safe.' I thought as I sigh. I felt a tear roll down my face and quickly wiped it away. Looking away, I checked the time 11:59, almost midnight. 'I should probably sleep now... but there's no point in sleeping when I have nothing to wake up to...' I close my eyes at my thoughts. "Fire." I shot up and looked around as I heard (Y/N)'s voice, but saw nothing. "I'm just hearing things... great." I huff in annoyance as I lay back down. "Fire... you're not hearing things." "Stop with the voices, I know she's dead, but stop with the taunting. I know it was my fault for her death." I cover my ears as I felt arms being wrapped around me. In panick I shot out of bed and turned around to see (Y/N) sitting on the bed with a smile. "See, I told you, you weren't hearing things." "How are you here! I thought you died!" I hugged her tightly as she laughed. "Technically I am, but with a little help I'm a graudain angel. And I get to stay by your side, since it's now my job to watch over you." She smiled at me before kissing me. I kissed back in joy as I get to hold her again. "I'm so sorry this happened to you, I promise that nothing like that will happen again." "It wasn't your fault Fire... it was an accident." "I know, but I still feel like it is." I said as I started to cry a bit as I hold onto her. (Y/N) wiped away my tears, kissing my forehead. "Let's get some sleep. It's getting late." "Please don't go..." "I'm not going to go anywhere... I'm staying right here by your side, no matter what." (Y/N) said laying down beside me. I cuddle into her side, I pull her close to make sure she stays. (Y/N) chuckled at my reaction before kissing me again. "Good night Fire, sweet dreams." "Good night (Y/N), sweet dreams... I love you." "I love you too." She whispers as we drift off to sleep. Who would've known that an average village girl would fall in love with an outcast amongst the kingdom. This is truly a story to never forget, thinking about it... they are already living happily ever after.

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