Chapter Two: Fires Worst Enemy

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A/N: Hello everyone! It's good to see you again! Here's the next chapter, enjoy!

*One Day Later*
*(Y/N) POV*

Ever since I met that man, Fire, I've been distracted. I just couldn't get him out of my mind. ' Oh how I wish to see him again, even though he was rude and scary at first, I could see sadness in his eyes. Like he needed someone's help.' I sigh as I got dressed. "(Y/N)! Can you come down here, I need your help!" "Coming mother!" I yelled to her as I ran to her. "What is it mother?" "(Y/N), I need you to get some water by the river, I need some so that I can make some vegetable soup later today. Quickly eat breakfast before doing so." "Yes mother, I'll be quick." Eating a piece of bread and a few strawberries, I grabbed the water jugs as I head to the river nearby. With the cool morning air hitting my face, I breathed in the air and continued my way. Just like yesterday, I see that same flash of red and orange in the corner of my eyes. Pretending to not notice Fire, I kept walking until I got to the river. As I fill them up, I see Fire come out from hiding. "Hello Fire, how are you?" I asked nicely. He didn't speak as he came over, sitting next to me with a calm face. "It's okay, you don't have to speak, I won't judge you." "No, I came here to speak with you. I'm just trying to find the right words." "Oh, well you don't have to-" "I'm sorry... For being rude to you, I didn't mean to. I was used to everyone hating me for who I am. Yet I find you, the only person that doesn't judge me..." Fire said as he looked at me. I was shocked at what he said, 'Everyone hates him? I'm the only one who doesn't judge him...' Without thinking I hugged him. He froze as I did this, and slowly hugged back. "Fire, you are so sweet. I can't see why people would hate you." "No you're sweeter then me. But I know the reason why people hate me." "Then what is it?" "It's because of my power." "Power? What type of power?" "To control and command fire at will. That's the reason why my name is Fire. Since my parents gave me up, I grew up here in the forest by myself with no one to take care of me, well other than one..." "Who?" I asked, starting to get curious of his past. As I look him in t he eyes he starts to cry a little. "The first person who cared about me a long time ago. Her name was Faith, even though she was old, she wasn't afraid of me. I was only six years old at the time when I met her. I tried to hide because I've never seen another person before and was scared. When she found me, she took care of me and raised me like a true mother would to their child. But one day she got sick and I tried to help her but everything I did wasn't working. She died on my tenth birthday, the day we met. I didn't know when my birthday was so we decided that the day we met would be my brithday. She was always trying to make me happy and I try to do the same, but when she pass away I felt disappointed in myself for not trying harder... I miss her so much, she was practical my mother..." Fire cried as he tried to finish, but couldn't. I held him tightly as I rubbed his back in comfort.

Looking up at the sky, I saw it was near noon and that mother was going to worry about me soon. "Fire, I know we met yesterday but would you like to come with me. I would love to see you met my family, you wouldn't have to worry about them judging you either." "Are you sure... I've been out of this forest before and people try to fight me or just run in fear." "It's okay, just follow me and you'll be fine." I smiled as he wiped away his tears and smiled back. "If you say it's okay, then I'll come." "Okay, let's getting going before mother starts to worry." I said before grabbing the watering jug and his hand. Pulling Fire through the path we soon came to the edge of the forest to where my home was. As we came up to my house, Fire stopped suddenly. "(Y/N) I don't think this is a good idea. I should go back-." "Fire, you're fine. My family won't judge you." "But-" "(Y/N)! There you are! Where have you been!" My morher came running at me and held me close without even knowing Fire was here. "Uh, mother, please let go. You're embarrassing me in front of Fire." "What are you- oh. And who might you be? Are you a friend of (Y/N)?" "Y-Yes I am. I'm Fire..." Fire said in fear. "Oh what a lovely name deary. I can see the reason why you have a name like that. Your hair resembles fire." Mother said as she touched his hair. "Mother! Don't touch his hair! That's invading his personal space!" "Oh right sorry. I get carried away when I met someone new, especial when they have such beautiful hair!" "I-It's fi-fine. And thank y-you for the com-complaint." He looked away in shyness as my mother kept talking. 'At least he starting to get comfortable somewhat. I'm glad my mother likes him, I hope she doesn't try to think of us any differently then us being friends.' I sigh as I bring the water to the kitchen and start on the vegetable soup. Mother soon came in to help out. "So how long have you two known each other?" "Since yesterday, he didn't have any friends so I became ghow friend. That's why he's shy now, he's never done this before." "Ah, how sweet of you. I hope you don't mind if I asked him to stay for dinner." "Not at all mother, besides I want you two to get along with each other. And so that he can get comfortable coming here once in a while. Where's father, I figured he'd be here. Is he working harder at the blacksmith?" "Yes he is, apparently the king had a order of a couple dozen of swords and armor. Seems like there training for war soon." Mother said with a sad tone. "Mother we'll be fine mother. Our king wouldn't risk the lives of his people, I'm sure he wouldn't start war." "Yes I know. How about you keep Fire company, I can take care of this." "Yes mother." Once I was done I walked to the main room were Fire was petting Evergreen, our sheepdog. "(Y/N), what is this fluffy creature? It growled at me first and start licking my hand, is it a wolf?" "No, that's a dog, a sheepdog to be correct. And they are similar to wolves." "Then why would you keep this dog? Are you not afraid that it will attack your sheep?" "It's a long story for another time Fire. But when dinner is ready, you could met my father." I see him freeze a little before he relaxes. "Is your father like your mother? Very nice and sweet?" "Well yes and no. You see my father runs this farm, along with working at the blacksmith in town. So my father has a lot at hand, he'll be nice but he's not all sweet. He's mostly a very serious man. And just a little bit of a temper." I sigh at the thought of father. He's only nice when people are around, but when it comes to mother and me, he's always moody. I never could understand why mother went for him instead.

*Fire's POV*

(Y/N) seemed uneasy about her father. But I couldn't say anything because her mother call to us for dinner. 'It's been so long since I've done this. Maybe if her father likes me I could keep doing this. I want to get closer to (Y/N) and get to know more about her.' I thought before I heard a door open and then close loudly as we ate. Looking back, I saw him. The man who basically hated me for the power I have, (F/N) (L/N). I should've known that (Y/N) was the daughter of this foul man. (Y/N) and her mother are so nice, yet they have to deal with him. "(M/N)! (Y/N)! I swear, if you didn't- It's you. You runt! Why is he here, he should be in the forest were he belongs! Not inside this house!" "Father! Please don't say that, Fire is my friend!" "Don't back talk me, I am your father. Now get him out before I put a sword through his skull!" "I'd like to see you try! You've hated me ever since we've met. And yet here you are, being rude to your family. That's the lowest a man could go." I snarled at him as he pulled out his sword. "I'll make sure you'll never speak again!" He yelled swinging his sword at me. I dodged as I try to create fire in my hand. As I was about to use my power, (Y/N) came in between us. "STOP FIGHTING! I don't want anyone to get hurt! Just stop please." "Get out of my way before I make you. Useless and idiotic girl." (F/N) said as he through her to the ground and tried to hit me again. With all my anger I couldn't take it anymore. I grabbed him and through him out the door. Stomping to him I create a fire that was a bright red for my anger. 'He hurt (Y/N), I'll make sure he doesn't hurt her again.' I growled as I start to burn him. He cries in pain as I see both (Y/N) and her mother come out. They try to stop me, but I only pushed them back. That's when (Y/N) tightly held on to me. "Please Fire, don't do this. I know my father isn't the best man, but he's still my father. Don't kill him, I beg of you." She starts to cry as I slowly realize what I've done. Looking down at her father, I see him badly burned. "I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry. I shouldn't have some here..." I whispered before gently tugging off (Y/N)'s arms and ran to the forest. As I ran I could hear her calling for me, I was to scared and ashamed of myself to look back. 'I'm a monster, why would anyone care about me...' I thought as I start to cry a little. 'Why, why did this happen to me...'

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