Chapter Twelve: No Breath Of Fresh Air

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*Fire's POV*

It's been three weeks already since the incident with the curse and (Y/N) started becoming more silent. Every time I try to talk to her, she'd only nod her head or say a few words. This got me worried two days after she started and Ice tired to speak with her to only get the same result. During the night once (Y/N) was asleep, me and Ice would look through every book to see what was wrong with her, this started after a week went by. We looked through different sickness, diseases, anything that could cause a problem to her, but we found nothing. "Fire, it must be a faze, some people go through stuff like this all the time. If we wait and give her space, I'm sure she'll be back to normal." "I hope you're right, I don't want to lose her." "I'm sure she'll be fine, just wait and watch." Ice pats my back before heads to bed. I sigh as I look into the book again before closing it and heading to bed. (Y/N) was in bed as I lay beside her, pulling her close to me as I might went on. I looked at the ceiling as the night came to an end while the sun came up. I wanted to sleep, but I became even more worried about her. (Y/N) slowly started to wake up as the sunlight hit her eyes making her groan. I chuckle a bit as she opens her eyes to see me next to her and turned away. "(Y/N)? Is everything alright? You haven't spoken much lately and now you don't want to look at me, did I do something wrong?" "... No, you didn't do anything wrong... I just haven't been in the mood to talk..." "Is there at least something I can do to help you?" I asked softly as I rubbed her back to get a groan from her. Getting up I go to make breakfast as she lays in bed.

*(Y/N)'s POV*

Once Fire left to make breakfast, I started to sniffle as my eyes watered up. I hold my tears I look out the window to try and stop them. 'Calm down (Y/N), everything's fine... Fire doesn't know yet, but is starting to notice, so I'll have to be careful...' I breath deeply as I start to calm down a bit. Rubbing my face, I get up and stretch as I yawn. After changing clothes, I went to the kitchen to see Fire don making breakfast as Ice helped him set up the table. "Good morning (Y/N), how do you feel?" "I feel fine, why do you ask?" "I just wanted to make sure and because I was thinking that we all should go to the beach near by. "What beach? I never heard of one being around here?" I looked at him in confusion as he chuckled. "It's because no one cares to look around the place. It's called Stray Jade Wave, the most beautiful place in all the kingdoms." "Ice thought about going there going there earlier, but I still had to just. Anyway, are you okay on going to the beach?" "I don't see any harm in going. I'm okay with it." I say as we grab some breakfast. "Okay then, we'll leave once we're done and packed, it'll take at least a day to get there, surely it won't hurt?" "And if it is, Fire will carry you on his back." Ice smirks as Fire went red faced and I look away. Once finished with breakfast, we packed and headed to the beach.


After the long trip we made it as the sun arises in a distance. I smile up at it while Fire and Ice went to the hut. 'It's beautiful just like Ice said it'd be...' I sigh while heading to the hut to put my stuff away. My room was somewhat big with a window viewing the ocean and sunrise. Laying down I watch the waves move around while Fire sits next to me. "You okay?" "Yeah... I'm just tired, I might take a nap." "Okay then, if you need anything me and Ice will be on the shore line." Fire kissed my forehead before leaving with Ice. Stretching a bit I lay back down and looked at the sky. Orange turned to blue as minutes went by. 'I don't know why we came here... its boring to be at the beach... or maybe I'm the one that doesn't get what funs all about? Nothing seems interesting and I rather have Fire beside me... even though I'm trying to stay away from him at the same time...' I thought as I dig through my bag to find my book and some charcoal. I then start to draw the beach as the sun is high, the out lines of the never ending ocean with a few sea gulls. Once I was finished I drew Fire laying on the beach next to me. Him hugging me as we both smile at each other, it seemed like a happy ending to a fairy tail. I chuckle a bit before closing my book and put them away, heading to the beach I see Ice swimming/diving while Fire was on a rock type cliff sitting on the edge watching the clouds. Reaching Fire I sit next to him and held his hand as he looked at me with a smile. "It's good to see that you've finally come out, I was worried that it was a bad idea to come here." "Fire, you have nothing to worry about. I just needed to relax a bit before coming to join you guys." I say softly to Fire as I lay my head on his shoulder. "Besides, I figured you'd choose somewhere different, since you don't really like the water." "Well, Ice said it be a good choice to come here. And I thought you'd like it here then somewhere cold or to hot. The beach is somewhat perfect because it's not always hot." Fire kissed my head as Ice came up for some air. "Hey (Y/N), why don't you come down here and swim a bit. I look like you need one." "I don't know, I think I'm more comfortable up here with Fire." "Aw come on, you both can handle a little swim. Besides, you gotta check out the fish down here." Ice said as he pleaded for us to come down. I sigh and looked at Fire. "Fine, but I'm staying close to the shore. You know I don't like the ocean." "Okay, let's go so Ice don't complain anymore." I get up and dragged Fire to shore. Fire grumbled as I pushed him into the water as I followed him. He glared at me as I laughed before getting splashed in the face. I gasp in shock as Fire smirked and splashed me again. With that we start a war against each other.

*Ice's POV*

As I watch my brother basically play with (Y/N) I lay back against a tree to not disturb them. They look happy being with each other while I have my heart hurting as I watch. 'God, I hope this feeling goes away, I've had this feeling ever since Fire returned back to normal. He always gets close to (Y/N) and tries his best to make her happy, even though he did it from the beginning. But he's gotten worse, he's becoming a bit clingy to her, like he's scared that she'd disappear...' I sigh at the thought right as the feeling got worse. 'Maybe I should keep an eye on them, it's like... something bad is going to happen soon...' looking over at Fire and (Y/N) they seemed to be fine. I shake my head a bit before standing up to look around the beach. 'I know that I might be getting worried for nothing, but still that nagging feeling probably won't go away until I check around just in case.' huffing I search the area for anything that could cause harm to find nothing. "(Y/N)!" I heard Fire yells as I could to find Fire come up for air. "Fire, what happen, where's (Y/N)!" "I don't know, she wanted to go out further into the water. She then got pulled underwater and now I can't find her! Ice help me find her!" "Then we have to be quick, if we don't go now she'll won't make it." I dived in the water to search with Fire for (Y/N). 'Why'd I think the beach was a good idea? I remember why people don't come here anymore. It was because of the sea serpents around here. They take humans deep into the ocean and let them drown. It's going to be my fault if (Y/N) dies.' I start to panick and swim deeper into the ocean to see am underwater cavern. Praying that she be there I checked it out to find a flash of blue further in. Swimming as fast as I could I spot (Y/N) struggling against a sea serpent that was green with white eyes that had wrapped its tail around her body.

'How am I suppose to get (Y/N) away from this serpent without killing her

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'How am I suppose to get (Y/N) away from this serpent without killing her.' I thought as she starts to move slower by the second. My eyes widen as Fire came up behind me and grabbed my arm. Looking at him I realize what must be done, nodding my head I quickly swam to my position. Using my power I start to freeze the water around the serpent while Fire grabs (Y/N) while it's distracted. Once he moved out of the way, I freeze the sea serpent into an icy tomb, frozen in place as it sinks to the ocean floor. Running out of air I quickly got out and went for air. Looking around frantically I see Fire on the beach trying to give (Y/N) CPR. Getting on the beach I fall to my knees in front of them as Fire keeps trying only for no respond. 'I'm sorry (Y/N)... I'm sorry this happened to you...' I cry. Hugging Fire, we cried together. "She's gone, why didn't I keep her close!" Fire cries out. "This is all my fault..."

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