Chapter 2: I'm known as the Warrior Queen

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Chapter 2: I'm Known As The Warrior Queen

After my fight with mom I just ran to school instead of taking my car. Unlike most of the towns around here ours was completely without humans the closest thing to a human was me, but that was only because I wasn't sure what race I belonged to.

What stumped everyone else to was the fact that they couldn't figure it out either as if something was blocking my aura. Every race had a distinct aura that helped others identify who and what they were, but I had none and if it wasn't for the fact that I actually had powers people would have doubted that I was a part of the magical race.

Now today would be a worse day then usual because today was the day the royals chose their guards. Now don't get me wrong I love the fact that I will be a guard after today it's just that I'm the most coveted guard there is. This is all because I'm the most powerful at the school sports and magic wise, but I'm also the smartest student in the entire school.

All of the royals know how important it is for them not only to have a powerful guard, but a smart guard as well because a smart guard can help the royals solve problems and give there innputs. The only problem with the whole thing is that most of the males will be fighting over me because of a bet that was made at the beginning of my first year here. They all bet that they would be the one to make me quit being a guard and become their future wife.

Now even though I have repeatedly turned them down they still think they have a chance. The thing is I swore that I would never fall in love until after I find out who I was because I don't want to accidentally fall in love with someone I'm related to.

I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't notice I was at school already and that someone was in my path, but it was too late to try and stop or change course unluckily. This guy had to be new though because everyone at school knew to not get in my way well I was running because it could end of with them being seriously hurt.

This is because any time I have accidentally ran into someone I would knock them down with so much force that they would be in the hospital for at least a week up to a couple of months. But this time was different the person I ran into didn't fall I did and if it wasn't for him having quick reflexes I probably would have hurt myself.

"I am so sorry," I told him, "I wasn't really paying attention to where I was. Are you okay?"

"I should be the one asking you that," he replied laughter in his voice.

"Well actually this is a first for me I have never been the one to be knocked down or almost since you caught me. Most people have learned by now not to get in my way well I'm running," I laughed. "Anyway you must be new here though."

"Oh and what makes you think that?" he asked me raising a brow.

"Well for one I know everyone at this school and for too your the only person who doesn't seem in awe of me or trying to win me over. Now don't get me wrong I'm not conceited or anything, but that's how everyone at this school sees me."

"Well I guess your right I'm Argon by the way and you are?" he asked. Argon the name suited him it litterally meant the sun and moon, his hair was the color of the sun and his eyes made you think you were looking into twin moons. Oddly enough even though he was attractive I didn't feel anything for him.

"My name is Arlia I'm one of the guards or will be after today it's my last year of training and this one I basically am just going to be around with my royal or learning how to be around without anyone seeing me depending on the position I get," I smiled at Argon.

"Well Arlia would you mind showing me around I'm afraid that I'm lost in this large school," he asked me smiling brightly.

"Sure Argon since today is the tournament between the royals to win their guard we all have to met at the battle chamber. Strange name though since it's outside," I laughed.

He smiled back at me and joined in my laughter and we quietly walked to the battle chamber. Unluckily I would be the last guard to be won since I'm the best. The school thought it was better for the royals to be the ones to earn their guards. For every royal at the school there was 3 guards so the top 3 guards would be won by the winner. Each guard had a specific rank and I was the highest rank at the school I was the royal captain and the two under me were royal lieutenants.

I was worried about today though because everyone assumed the winner would be Variae the most horrible guy sorry royal there is and that would mean I'd be stuck being his guard which I so didn't want. Any way the reason the school was doing this was because there was different levels of guards and it is better if the guards are at the same level as the royal so that the talents of the guards wouldn't be wasted on a royal who wasn't worthy enough to be protected by them.

Anyway finally after 10 minutes of walking Argon and I arrived at the battle chamber. Of course knowing my luck I just had to be spotted by the principal right away and called over.

"Arlia there you are finally we have been looking all over for you. Your suppose to be in your warriors outfit already go change. Everyones waiting to see their Warrior Queen up there on the champions seat. Calica and Jermaya are all ready there. Now hurry up."

"Wait Warrior Queen your that Arlia," Argon said eyes widdening.

"Yes I'm that Arlia I'm the only Arlia in this school let alone the town," I snapped at him. "Anyway the guards and spectators are to go to the bleachers and the perticapants are to go to the preparation room in the chamber beside the bleachers."

After I told him that I ran off to go get ready quickly or else I would miss the very breif introductions of the contestants meaning that I would have no clue who they were during the matches since they never repeated the names after the begining.

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