Chapter 6: A Blast of the Past

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Chapter 6: A Blast of the Past

Classes had just finished and we were taking a walk in the garden when we heard the first scream. My instincts kicked in and I ran towards them leaving the other girls to protect Sylver. On the ground in front of me was one of the warriors who was still too young to be assigned a post surrounding her was a crowd of men in dark green cloaks.

"...... and we won't kill you," a man with my eye color demanded. The first half of what he said was to low for me to hear.

"Get away from her," I screamed a them.

"Oh whose this Ray. Someone from your family decide to turn good," a dark haired man laughed. I was shocked it was Cyron my best friend and next door neighbor. Who had disappeared 3 years ago. Of course at that time I had hidden what I looked like and only worked on my studies.

"Cyron why? Why are you with the Faltrean?" I screamed.

"Arlia this isn't possible you shouldn't be here," he said turning towards me.

"Cyron how can you do this to the school. To me. It's lucky you weren't here last night otherwise you'd tell everything. But how do you know that the heir of the Fae throne is alive shouldn't you be searching for your missing King I'd think finding your leader would be more important then finding someone who is only recognizable by the gifts of the Fae royals," I laughed.

"Arlia I'm sorry but we have to take you with us," Cyron told me the group surrounding me.

"Oh let me guess since I'm the only Warrior Queen in centuries I'm the most likely choice to be your target. Let me guess you guys actually wanted to know where I was right. So if I leave here you'd have to leave the students alone wouldn't you?"

"Well yes, but your leaving with us so it doesn't really matter," Ray said.

"That's where your wrong kid. I'm more powerful then any of you and let's just say that mixing dark and light is a bad combination," I said and I flashed out of there to my room quickly. Since I don't have a scent they have to search for me the old fashion way so I'm not in any danger. I quickly pack up everything and then write a letter and send it to Sylver explaining to her that I have to go. Luckily the actual ceremony of becoming her guardian isn't until a week after the competition to make sure that the Prince or Princess gets along with their guardians. I then flash to the headmasters office and explain that because my powers are growing I've been noticed and I have to leave before they figure out that I'm half Faltrean and try to make me join them.

Then I flash to the palace of the Fae's which usually takes 3 weeks to get to if you walk, but it leaves me drained of energy. I enter the Palace of Intarga which surprisingly doesn't have any guards at the gate. I was barley inside It when I passed out. Even though I was unconscious I started to see things like I was in a dream, but instead it was the day the Faltrean attacked the royal Fae's. I see everyone running around and see soldiers falling trying to protect their King and Queen. I was seeing this from the Queen's bedroom.

"Who are you I was certain Faltaya would kill me himself," the Queen said to me.

"Queen Faya I'm not working with the Faltrean," I told her.

"Right then why do you have the eye color of the Aurora Borealis family," she asked.

"Yes I'm from that family, but I've been hidden from them I don't even know who any of them are and I don't know how I got here since this all happened on the day that I was born."

"A time traveller, but that's only a gift that someone who is known as a Warrior Queen or becomes one has," she exclaimed.

"Your right Queen Faya and the truth is I am a Warrior Queen my name is Arlia Fayonnette Aurora Borealis."

"Arlia, but that means...." but whatever she was about to say was suddenly cut off when we heard a voice from just outside the door.

"Quickly men we must capture Quuen Faya the King is already dead," whoever it. Was laughed.

"Quickly Arlia hide it will be dangerous if he finds you here."

"But I can save you Queen Faya and we can save your child to."

"Look Arlia you must find my daughter. Take my pendent and hide. Hurry," she cried. I reached out and took it and was barley hidden when he came in.

"Hello my dear how have you been," a man with a crown on his head said.

"Faltaya leave here. I told you to leave me and never come again," she yelled.

"Ah I would have my dear, but you lied to me now tell me where is my little baby do I have another son or do I have a daughter," he asked laughing.

"You will never find my child Faltaya I have made sure of that."

At that moment there was a flash of light from outside and suddenly a sword was sticking out right above the queen's heart.

"No what have you done you insolent welp now we may never find my child. Think of the Phrophecy one of both dark and light royalty will either end the world or save it. On their 18th year the child will chose between good or evil and the fate of the world will be decided. But if she falls in love before her 18th birthday and acts on her love and eiher confess's o kisses him then her powers of darkness will become power of light and she will become the next queen of the universe. That is the prophecy of Light and Dark," Faltaya yelled at the soldier who looked just like Cyron.

"Sir Cy of the Mountain Faltrean I order you to find my daughter or son until my child is found your family will forever suffer at my curse," with that Faltaya flashed out just like I do at times. The Queen laid dead before me and for the first time in years I cried. Seeing what happened to Queen Faya the day I was born showed me that I had to do my best to save the world from the Faltreans even if I had to kill my own father. I was so distraught that I didn't see that my necklace glowed and the Queen's body disappeared.

Suddenly everything around me began to shake and the image in front of my disappeared. Slowly I regained consciousness and stared up into the face of Lord Galray.

"Finally Warrior Queen you have awoken I've been trying to wake you up since yesterday afternoon," he exclaimed.

"I'm sorry Lord Galray, but I was transported to the past well I slept. I'm sorry to tell you this, but the Princess that your looking for is also the child of the King of the Faltrean's. I talked to the Queen before she died she told me that I have to find her daughter and I shall I will make sure that the prophecy of Light and Dark ends with the world saved from the Faltrean not destroyed by them.

"I will avenge the death of the King and Queen and along the way find out who I really am, but I need you to tell me everything you know about the royal Fae's."

"Yes Warrior Queen I shall tell you all I know," Lord Galray answered.

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