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"O Srihari Vishnu, can't you see this Vedavati's trouble?! I really love you and I'll only marry you. To marry you I would sacrifice anything..." (So she gave up worldly life and became a hermit and built an ashram on a riverbank.)

"See Vishnu, I have fixed my mind. I'll definitely marry matter how many ever lives I'll have to sacrifice. Now please come and answer my prayers." (She starts meditating).

A the demon king, happened to see her. He was enamored by her beauty. "O beauty...may I know who you are?. I'm mesmerized by your beauty. Will you please marry me? You may know me...anyways I'm......."

Hearing this Vedavati answered, " o rajkumar, who ever you may be I don't bother. I really don't wish to marry you. I already love someone a lot and I have decided to marry him only."

"Ahhhh!! How dare you reject my words? Come here! I won't leave you till you marry me! And apart from that you have insulted this great king??! I won't spare you atleast for this."

"What do u mean Kumar? I'm a free lady who have devoted my self to Sri Vishnu. No body can stop that. Not even himself!"

"Ha! Who cares for your love young lady??! Just come with me or else the result will turn out to be very bad!"

"I don't care you wicked man. It's better you go away from here. But if you want you can stay here because......... I'm goinggggggg...-"

Vedavati starts running to save her life. He kept chasing her.

"Its better you stop Vedavati. Already you have troubled me a lot. You can't even imagine what would happen once I catch hold of you."

Finally to escape from him she jumped into a fire pit created for some yajna. Before dying she cursed him,"Hey wrenched man!!! You caused the death of an innocent woman. My soul won't spare you for this. I'll surely avenge my death. In my nest birth I'll become responsible for your death. Do remember my words Kumar. It will never become false...-"

In her next birth, Vedavati was born as the demon King's daughter. Soon after she was born, a voice from the sky warned that the baby will be responsible for her father’s death. To save his life, the demon king threw the little girl child into the sea. The child fell on the lap of sea-goddess Varuni. Goddess Varuni took the girl child to the shores and gave her to earth-goddess Prithvi


Any guesses who the demon king could be?

Keep guessing until next update  ;)
And if at all you have any names in your mind, you can say it in the comments.

And if at all you like my story please don't forget to touch the golden outlined star. Your touch can fill the star. Ok...I just mean to say please vote.  :)

Love ya all...
Rushali ♥

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