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Few months later...

"Arey Sita! Why are you troubling me so much today??!"

"Pitashree, have you forgotten! Today we were supposed to go to the Shiva temple. And not only that, you had also promised Urmila and me that you will show us something."

"Oh yes my child. Please forgive me. I had totally forgotten about that. You know how busy a king can be!! So many works to do and finish... But it's not too late now Sita. Come let's go now. Is it ok with you my child?"

"Of course father. You know, I have been waiting since morning to visit the temple. Let's not hurry now come-"

"Ok ok.... Come let's go........ Sunayana...I'm taking Sita and Urmila to Shiva's temple. Take care of yourself."

"Ok arya, you to take care of our Sita and Urmila and yourself!"

On the way...

"Pitashree, how long is it from here...I'm very eager to see. Tell the charioteer to go fast..."

"Sita, it's not that far dear. We has almost reached. Just few more minutes. I know your curiosity, but it's a surprise. You will have to wait!"


"And one more thing, you are not going to trouble me over there. Not only me, you are not going to trouble anybody over there. And no doing mischief ness. If at all you don't obey-"

"Father!!! Please....I won't do anything over there. You please stop lecturing me. I'm already bored. I'll promise you that I'll listen to your each and every word over there."

"That's like a good girl. Hmmm, see we have reached. Now come let's go-"

Inside the temple...

"See Sita and Urmila, that's Lord Shiva-"

"I know father!"

"Hmmm, Sita, what I had told you? You shouldn't interrupt when elders are saying something. Learn something from your younger sister Urmila. Now listen!"

"Umm, what was I saying--- yeah! You see that's Lord Shiva and in front of him, on that table that's his bow. It's called Pinaka or Shiva Dhanush.
It was given by Shiva to his devotee King Devaraatha, who is my ancestor.
No body in our Kingdom could lift this bow. Only divine people can lift this bow!"

"Wow, I would like to lift it father. Can I???"

"Hahaha... Dear Sita, I told you it's not possible by people even with enormous power also. That too you are still a small girl. How can you Sita-"

"Father please, I'll at least touch the bow!"

"Ok dear, as you are soo tempted to handle or feel the bow you can. You and Urmila play around over here till I come. Don't go anywhere and don't disturb anybody...I want to meditate peacefully alone over here for sometime. And again, no doing mischief ness."

"Thank you so much pitashree."

" hey Urmila, why don't we try lifting the bow right now??? No body is here other than the security guards. They won't harm us. Come soon, or else someone or the other will come!"

"No Sita didi. I'm getting scared. Pitashree already warned us to not touch the bow. What if something happens?! I'm out of this and I'm saying you, you also better not do anything!"

"You should listen to your elders, and I'm elder to you!! But it's we'll play for sometime and later, I'll try the bow."

Ok, didi shall we play running and catching? This is a huge and empty place and we won't hurt ourselves here too.. What do you say??"

"Wow!! That's a great game to play Urmila. But for that you'll have to try catching me first!!"

"Uhh.. Ok didi, I'm fine with it, here I come to catch you-"

"It's not that easy to catch me Urmila. But try, it's not impossible!!"

"Didi!! I'll never accept failure. I'll surely catch you, wait and watch!"

"Wow didi, I'm about to catch you....and-"

"Hey....hey wait a sec-"

yes...I caught you!!!! Yayyyyy..!!"

"Hey no!! This is cheating. I had asked you to wait. dress got struck to this table. I'm not able to remove it. Will you help me to lift the table?"

"Hmm didi!! But this table is very heavy for me to lift. I'll call pitashree for help. Until then you try somehow.."

Oh my god!! What Urmila and her father was seriously unexpected and shocking.

"Sita....are you alright---"

"Oh pitashree, I'm really sorry. My dress had got struck to this table. So I went to lift the table, but the whole thing fell. You don't worry. Before anyone sees, I'll rearrange the table as it was.."

She picked up the bow, straighten the table and replaced the bow in its original place.

"Now perfect!! Isn't it?"

Everyone present over there were surprised by her actions. The temple was filled with a buzz of talks - how did she do that?, who is this magical little girl?---

Janak though to himself, "My little Sita is indeed DIVINE..."

"J A I   J A N A K I"

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"J A I   J A N A K I"

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