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About a month later...

"Wow Sunayana! You look very beautiful today. What's special? Any festival or some yajna you are going to attend??!"

"Nothing like that arya.... Actually... The thing is...uhhhh...Sita is going to have a brother or a sister very soon."

"Are you telling the truth Sunayana??! Wow, now we have to children, and later we might have more than two also.(saying this he winked at her)"

"Oh arya, stop telling such things.. Ur making me blush."

"Hmm..ok dear, I won't tell like that, but what I told is also very true. Isn't it?!"

"Arya--- !!!"

"Come on priye, it's all just for my pleasure. I enjoy teasing you!!
Hmm, by the way have you told this to Sita?? She would be very happy to hear the news."

After some time...

"Wow,pitashree!! I'm going to have a brother or a sister? That's so amazing. I wish I get a sister. But anyone will be fine. I'll atleast have someone to play with! When will I get my sister pitashree?"


"Uhh..? Yes tell me Sita..."

"I already asked you! When will my little sister be born pitashree? I want her!!"

Sunayana joins them...

"Oh Sita, it will take almost an year, dear! If you wait with patience, she will really like you very much. But if you keep irritating, she will not like you and she will not play with you. What do you want?"

"What-?? Almost a year.... I can't wait for so long matashree...but I want her to like me and play with me. So I'll wait for her without irritating you both..."

"Very good Sita. Now you are an intelligent and a good girl. Your sister will surely love you. Now you go and play with your neighborhood friends..."

"Ok....pranipat Matashree....pranipat Pitashree..."

"Hmmm, so Sunayana, what have you planned for out child?"

"I have a lot of dreams arya, but if I start telling you, it will never end!!"

"Same here priye. Anyways leave that... We can at least decide a name for our child. Last time I named our daughter... So this time it's your chance dear!!"

"Yes arya.... I already have a name in my mind...I have it in my mind for so many years... If at all it's a boy we'll name him Ugra and if it is a girl we'll name her Urmila. Are these names fine with you arya??"

"Marvelous!! I really liked the names. I agree with you dear.."

About nine months later...

"Maharaj, Rani Sunayana has given birth to a girl child!"

"You have told me a very good news Vibha. (Vibha is Sunayana's closest dasi.) And tell me is the child well and good? And how is Sunayana?"

" yes maharaj. Both mother and child are safe. In fact the child is very beautiful. You only go and have a look maharaj. "

"Thank you for telling such a good news Vibha. Here, take these gold coins and you can take off for few days."

"Bhaut bhaut dhanyavaad maharaj. Now I'll leave. Pranipat."

"Sunayana, how are you? I'm very happy to have a girl child. Sita always wanted a sister. Now she'll be very happy to see her."

"I'm fine arya. And what you told is right. Our Urmila is very cute. Sita will surely love her."

After few minutes Sita comes...

"Arey, my cute little sister... I'm very happy. Finally!!! I got a sister..I love her. Matashree, what's her name?"

"Her name is Urmila sweety."

"Ahhh....Urmila, what a cute name!!"

Both of them laughed and admired Sita's child like behavior.

Finally all three started to spent happy times with the new born!

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