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In Lanka...

"Bhaiyaaa.... bhaiyaaaaaa...."

"What happened Shurpanakha? Wait till I you tell m-"

"See my condition will I show my face to others?!! I won't spare that ram and his brother!!! Actually it's not their mistake, that cunning and evil stupid Sita!, I won't spare her bhaiya...."

"Who the hell are they to harm my dear sister!!!!

"Bhaiya , actually I'm in love with that Ram....but that stupid Sita came in between.....and that Ram....he and his brother played with me so badly.....I want to show them all what pain means bhaiya... please help me-!"

"Don't you worry know my strength and courage!! Who ever they are , I'll surely teach them a lesson....but please give me some time....I will make such a plan that they will never ever think of doing something to someone ever again!!!"

"But believe me brother..... Sita is a very very pretty wonder... why Ram married her... anyone can be washed away by her beauty and culture...I'm very jealous indeed....of Sita -"

Hearing the description of Sita's beauty, an evil thought entered his mind - that he should abduct Sita! Ravana thought of many ways and finally decided to seek the assistance of Mareecha, who was his relative. Mareecha shivered at the mention of Rama. He explained to Ravana about the fury of Rama's arrows.
He advised Ravana: "To abduct Sita is a bad idea. Forget it."

But Ravana was insistent. "If you do not listen to me, your life is finished," He threatened Mareecha, who then realized that any amount of advice to Ravana would be futile. Ravana's plan was to see that Rama and Lakshmana would be lured away from the hermitage; he could then go there and kidnap Sita. He conceived a plan and Mareecha was asked to execute it.

One morning Sita was admiring the beauty of the forest in front of her hut. There, among the flower bushes, she spotted the most beautiful deer of a bright golden hue roaming about in delightful innocence. How nice would it be to have him for a pet! She tried to catch him but the deer was too nimble for her. He did not run away but hung around as if to be caught. Presently Rama came to her. Sita pointed the golden-hued deer to Rama excitedly and told him that she wanted him caught alive so she can keep him as a pet. Something about the deer did not seem authentic to Rama. He tried to dissuade Sita from wanting the deer saying that the deer probably was not a real deer but some asura roaming around in disguise to snare gullible people. But Sita had fallen in love with the deer and she insisted on having him as a pet. So Rama, in spite of his better judgment, agreed. He called Lakshmana and told him to guard Sita very vigilantly while he went to catch the deer. Under no circumstances was Lakshmana to leave the sight of Sita. Then he tried to catch the deer but now the deer started running away. Rama had chased the deer too deep in to the forest before he realized that he was chasing an asura disguised as a deer. So he drew his arrow and shot the deer fatally which fell assuming the natural form of the asura. He was Mareecha sent by Ravana to lure Rama away from the hut. But before he died, Mareecha, mimicking Rama, cried loudly, "Help me Lakshmana! Help me Lakshmana!"

Sita was worried at Rama's not returning early when heard this cry. She entreated Lakshmana to go and find out whether Rama was in danger and needed protection. Lakshmana tried to console her and said: "My brother is the protector of the world. What danger can affect him? There is no need for anyone to go to his aid. These are all the rakshasas' tricks." But Sita did not think so. She became angry and denounced Lakshmana thus: "You have come with us with some object of personal benefit. When your elder brother is facing danger you are wasting time here. I do not approve of your designs."


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