It had been almost 6 hours since team got back inside the Waverider. All of them were resting cuz it had been a long day, and they needed to get prepared for what was to come in the future. And they all knew that they had to beat Savage at some point, no matter how long it took.
Leonard made his way towards the room Sara was sleeping in. He expected her to be asleep, but she was awake sitting on the corner of the bed.
"Hey", he said.
"Hi", Sara said.
"So, how are you feeling"
"I'm good thanks"
"Sara, you were gone for almost an entire week. Don't say you're good, I know you're not", Len said.
He could see past her, and he could tell that she was hurt, that she was afraid. But he didn't know what she was afraid of.
"It's just that...I was lonely during the time Savage held me as a hostage, and to be honest, I thought that you weren't going to show up", Sara said.
"Hey, we're a team, we are in this together, and why would we leave you behind. The whole team has your back Sara. I will always have your back, and I will always be there for you, remember that okay", Len said as he sat down next to Sara and put his arm around her shoulder, pulling her towards him.
They sat there for a couple minutes. Sara leaning her head on Len's shoulder.
"Thanks for always being there", Sara said.
"Anytime, Sara"
They soon started to glance at each other, and their eyes met each other's.
At that point, Sara knew that Len cares for her, and that he would never hurt her.
Len smiled at her, and she smiled back.
Both of them were almost leaning in to kiss each other, when the speak yelled
"Snart! Get in here", Rip yelled.
At that point, they just jumped away from each other.
Len literally fell of the bed because of the sudden sound of Rip.
"Are you okay", Sara said.
"Uh yea yea...uh I'm fine"
They both glanced at each other for a split second, the same thought in their minds 'What just happened'
They both knew that they had to talk about that moment, but now was not the time.
"Uh...I'll see you later", Len said as he ran out the door.
"Yea", she whispered, but he had already disappeared.
At that point, Sara didn't really know what to think. She and Len had almost kissed. She knew that a small part of her liked him. But, was she ready to love again? Ever since she came back out of the Lazarus Pit, she thought she would never be the girl she previously was, never thought that she might fall in love. But, maybe this was it.Maybe this was the beginning of true love.
Sorry, this chapter was a little short. The next one will be bigger.
By the way, that is not my edit. I found it online.Vote and Comment! Thanks.

How Captain Canary came to be
FanfictionLeonard didn't believe in love. To him, love was a just a four letter word. That is until he met a girl named Sara Lance. Will he tell Sara that he loves her...before it's too late?