OMFG we are going to get a Captain Canary kiss in next weeks episode. 👆🏼👆🏼👆🏼👆🏼 OMG OMG OMG Seriously Thursday can't come any sooner. I can't wait!!!! AHHHHHH!!!
Btw, This chapter will follow the similar route of what's going on in the show right now.Sara and Len were making their way to the destination where the team was at.
Almost 10 minutes later, they landed there.
"Rip we're here. We're coming in", Sara said.
"Oh, good. I was wondering where you guys where. We really need some help. Savage has lots of men", Rip replied.Soon enough, Sara and Len were inside the gigantic building.
"Dang, this place is huge", Len said.
"Focus on the mission will you", Sara said.
"Yes mam"As she was making her way there, Len yelled from behind her, "Sara watch it!!"
Before she could respond, one of Savage's men grabbed her by the legs and she fell on her face, flat on the ground. But, that wasn't going to stop her. She immediately got up and tried punching him, but he blocked her hand and punched really hard that made her fall on the ground again.
Then, all of a sudden, he took out a sword and was about to stab her with it, but Sara had nothing left to defend herself. She was about to kick him with her feet, hoping that it would buy her some time. But, one second, the man was hovering over her, the other second he was on the ground, ice covering his chest.
Sara looked around. Len.
"You know I had that covered right", she said.
"I know", he replied back.
"Then? You don't have to save me everytime you know", she said.
"But I want too", he replied back and went back to fighting.
Sara smiled.The door to their right suddenly burst open and in came the Time Masters.
Before they knew it, the Time Masters had pretty much kidnapped everyone on their team, the only ones left were Sara and Snart.
Sara and Len managed to get back to the Waverider...somehow.
"My god, what do we do now", Len asked.
"We save the rest of the team", Sara replied.
"But how. We don't even know where the Time Masters took them", Len said.
"I think I do"
"What do you mean Sara"
"Ok the Time Masters are located at the Vanishing Point. Rip told me this himself a while ago. We need to fly this ship to the Vanishing Point but it does take a long time", Sara said.
"Ok, let's do it", Len said.A couple minutes later, Sara started flying the Waverider to the vanishing point, with Len right beside her.
Len heard Sara sigh next to him.
"You okay", he asked.
"No, not really. Things are happening so fast with this mission. I just want kill that stupid Savage", she said.
"We will don't worry", he said.
"Yea, I know. I just can't wait for this mission to be over", Sara said.
"I totally agree with you", Len said.About 30 minutes later, Sara and Len reached the Vanishing Point.
Suddenly, the Waverider moved a little.
"I lost control of the ship", Sara said.
The Time Masters had taken control of the ship. They were coming for them.
"We need to hide now, come on", Len said as he grabbed Sara's hand.
Len somehow managed to find a dark room in the ship and they hid there.
"We should attack them when they come in", Sara said.
Sara was about to get out of the room when she heard footsteps coming, but Len grabbed her hand.
"Promise me you will be careful okay", he said.
"I will"
Sara and Len looked at each other. They both hesitated for a moment but then Sara leaned forward and pressed her lips against his. The kiss was only a few seconds long, but they both wanted more. Now was not the time for a make out though.
They heard the footsteps coming closer.
"On the count of three", Len said.
Sara nodded.
Len placed his hands on the handle.
He twisted he handle, opened the door and both of them attacked all of Savage's men they were there.
"Well, I finally got all of you here, together. Now my men are on their way to find your other two crew members", Savage said.
"Oh, Miss Lance and Mr. Snart are smarter than that. Your soldiers won't outsmart them", Rip said.
"We will see about that now, huh Garib", Savage said.

How Captain Canary came to be
Hayran KurguLeonard didn't believe in love. To him, love was a just a four letter word. That is until he met a girl named Sara Lance. Will he tell Sara that he loves her...before it's too late?