Chapter 17

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I wake up the next morning with a little light shining in through the window. I begin to try to sit up a little only to feel weight against my stomach and chest that is keeping me from moving. I look down and I see Ben's head resting on my chest with his leg brought up across my lower abdomen. I smile remembering everything that happened last night. I had a terrible nightmare and Ben came to comfort me and took me back with him to his room where he told me he loved me. He held me like he was never going to let go and that meant the world to me.

His grasp around my waist tightens as he begins to stir. I chuckle as I run my hand through his hair moving it aside so I can see his handsome face. "Good morning," I say smiling at the scene before me. He lets out a yawn before he lifts his head off of my chest and leans towards me giving me a quick yet warm and loving kiss on the lips. "Good morning," he responds in his incredibly deep sexy morning voice as he lifts his body off of mine to get up. I quickly wrap my arms and legs around his body to keep him from leaving and pull him back down on the bed. "Reyy," he moans as I plant little kisses along his neck, "Rey we need to get up." "But I don't want to, I just want to stay cuddled up next to you forever," I pout. "I know, I do too. However training starts today my apprentice and we need to get ready," he explains. I shrug defeated, "Ok Master." He smirks then kisses me on my forehead, "Thank you," he tells me before he heads into the bathroom.

I know Ben is back. I can feel it in the force, and I bet Leia and Luke can feel it too. The only thing that worries me is if Snoke has felt it yet. We both know if we try to escape right now there is a very low chance of survival. We are going to try to play it off this week with the hope of coming up with an escape plan to get us out of here by the end of the week. My plan is to head back to the Resistance base after we steal a freighter, but I'm not sure how Ben would feel about that. I understand this is a big change for him and I want him to be comfortable first. So if that means we have to stop at a far-off peacefully system away from both the Resistance and the First Order for a week or two I'm okay with it.

I am pulled out of my thoughts when Ben comes back out of the bathroom changed into his whole Kylo Ren outfit except his mask. I notice he is holding a pile of black clothes in his hand; he holds them out towards me, "These are for you to change into so you'll fit in and no one will suspect anything." "Thank you," I take them and head into the bathroom.

I put on the clothes and look at myself in the mirror. I have on black leggings with a skin-tight black long sleeve shirt, a black belt for my lightsaber, and black shoes. I never thought I would wear this much black at once. I check myself out one last time in the mirror before walking back out to find Ben waiting for me. The second his eyes land on me he bites his lip causing me to blush. "Damn you look good in black," he tells me as he walks up to me putting his hands on my waist. "Don't get too used to it, it's only for one week," I tell him as I run my hands over his muscular chest. He chuckles, "I can live with that," then begins to lean in. Just as our lips are about to touch he pulls up and kisses my nose. "What was that for?" I asked wanting more. "I guess you will just have to wait until later," he says with a mischievous look as he shrugs. "As much as I would love to stay in here with you all day we have to go train," he says as he heads for the door, me following close behind. "Oh wait! I forgot something!" He explains as he walks over to his closet. He comes back out with something black folded nicely in his hands, he picks it up by the top and the rest straightens out towards the ground and reveals a cape. "Just a little something to top off your outfit." "I love it!" I exclaim as he puts it on me. As soon as he's done I reach up and give him a quick kiss on the cheek before I head towards the door. "You coming?" I joke around. He blushes before nodding his head and we make our way towards the training room.

The training room was this huge black room with metallic floors and a long window on one side looking outside. On the other wall, there are all sorts of weapons. "Today we will be practicing using a lightsaber." Oh crap, I don't have mine. Wait, what even happened to my lightsaber? "Don't worry your lightsaber is back at the room, I forgot to grab it. You can use this one," he tosses me a lightsaber. The second it reaches my hand I hear his lightsaber ignite as he swings towards my head. I quickly ignite the one he gave me and block his blow. He smiles, "Good, you have to be prepared for anything, never let your guard down."

It practically becomes a game; he strikes then I strike, turning as I dodge his blows, our capes dancing to our movements, it seems endless. Finally, I start to become a little tired, we've been at this for what feels like hours and I think I came up with just the plan to beat him. His swings as my lightsaber meets his to counter it as it turns into a strength battle. Ben and I both know he is stronger than me but that doesn't stop me. Our faces are mere centimeters apart and you can hear the whooshing and crackling as our lightsabers press against each other. Quickly before he can sense anything I lean forward pressing my lips to his. I deactivate my lightsaber as he mirrors my actions. We move in sync, passionately kissing, but before he tries to deepen the kiss or pick me up I quickly snatch his lightsaber from his hand and back up igniting both. I smirk as I hold them both pointed towards his neck, "Remember to never let your guard down," I remind him. "Aren't you just so clever my little apprentice?" He says sarcastically. "I think I am, cause you see I beat you," I tell him smirking again as I spin his lightsaber in my hand. Changing the subject he says, "Okay that is enough training for one day. Would you like to go get some food in the dining hall?" "Yes, I would like that very much," I tell him with a smile as I return his lightsaber to him.

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