Chapter 28

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We successfully made it to the backside of the base without being spotted. Leia gave the signal and now we just had to wait as our plan of action unfolded before us. The squadron must have successfully done their job because soon the guards positioned along the backside of the base disappeared in a hurry. We all quickly entered through the doors and into a long hallway dividing into another three hallways. Looking at the blueprint Leia says, "Finn and Chewie, you guys are going to go straight towards the center of the base where you will lower the shields, planting detonators along the way. Luke, Rey, Ben, and I will head right, towards the lookout room. We'll keep in touch for timing and meet you guys back at the exit once the mission is complete." "Yes, General," Finn says before they both head further down the hallway. As the rest of us continue down the right hall I sense a great number of bodies moving in on our location, looking around I can tell the others sense it too. "Ben, Rey, you guys continue on and find Snoke, Luke and I will distract all of these guys before catching back up with you both," Leia explains. "Mom, are you sure?" Ben asks. "Yes," she smirks, "I'm pretty handy with a blaster after all these years, and anyways stormtroopers have the worse aim in the galaxy. Go," she assures us. "May the force be with you both," Luke says. "And you two as well," Ben and I say in unison before they disappear around the corner.

We finally reach a door along the hall, I know it's the lookout room; I can feel it through the force sending a shiver down my spine. Ben quickly turns around, causing me to almost crash into his back. Taking my hands in his he says, "Before we go in there, I want you to know that Snoke will try to break you. He will say things that aren't true, and I want you to know, that no matter what, you are perfect to me." "Nothing he will say can destroy my love for you and my loyalty to the light," I tell him. He smiles brushing a strand of hair behind my ear before turning back around and continuing towards the door. We both take a deep breath standing before it and head in, there is no turning back now.

The room is rather dark, with the only light peering in from a giant circular window on the back wall. I presume it's looking down at the center of the base, fulfilling its name of the 'Lookout Room.' "Ah, I see the Scavenger and none other than the traitor himself, Kylo Ren have finally arrived," an icy voice calls into the wind. For never hearing his voice in person before, I could tell right away it was Snoke. "That is not my name. It's Ben Solo to you," Ben says. "You said so yourself that Ben was weak and foolish... like his father. Who you so ruthlessly killed!" Snoke's voice spat. "You made me kill him! ...It was a mistake I will never make again," he tells Snoke. I always knew that it wasn't by Ben's decision to kill Han, he looked much too regretful once it had happened. "Yes, because you won't live long enough to make another," Snoke threatened.

Lights turned on, brightening the room revealing how incredibly large it actually was. A small hunched figure revealed itself from the shadows; it was not at all how I expected Snoke to look. For someone with his reputation I expected someone... taller and stronger built, but instead before us stood a frail, crippled creature seemingly hundreds of years old. "Do not underestimate me, mere scavenger. Not everything is of physical appearance, but also psychological," and suddenly I was overcome with the feeling like someone was trying to break open my head. "Would you look at that; you were deserted by none other than your own parents because you weren't good enough. Left on Jakku, meant to die; you grew up, yet you were so terribly lonely with no one who loved or cared about a single part of you. And at the end of every scenario you always ended up alone, because nobody... wants you." A single tear ran down my cheek remembering every countless night I spent waiting, waiting that somebody would come back to me and hold me in their arms and tell me they've got me and that everything's going to be okay. "You... Are... Noth- AGHHH," Snoke's voice screeched. I looked up and saw Ben had swung at Snoke's arm, and Snoke who was too distracted torturing me wasn't able to get fully out of the way in time to dodge Ben's swing. "Leave her alone!" Ben yelled swinging again at Snoke. Snoke then ignited his own lightsaber, revealing its deep red hue. "You are going to regret leaving me boy," Snoke hissed swinging at Ben's neck. "Never," Ben told him dodging his blow. Recovered, I ignite my lightsaber and swing for Snoke's back since he is turned facing Ben. Right before I could reach him, his hilt produced another blazing red saber out the back end deflecting mine.

'Ben, we've been doing this for several minutes and are getting nowhere. We need to find a way to get closer to him,' I tell Ben through our force bond. 'I have an idea, I need you to distract him' Ben says blandly. 'Okay,' I increase my pace and power swinging at Snoke pulling all his attention to me. It becomes a game, I strike then he strikes to see who cracks first. Before I could do anything to stop him, Ben charges at Snoke, missing the original target, but still manages to stab him right in the shoulder. His anger now fuming, Snoke growls flinging out his hand sending Ben soaring into the air and smack into the metal wall around us. "BEN!" I scream running over to his motionless body against the wall. 

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